
Inside my Bag

I haven't done a what's in my bag post in ... I can't even remember. Probably three years. Most of the time I don't carry anything that's worth noting. My phone (the ancient and faithful Nokia 6010), my keys, and my card case are usually the only things I take with me for most outings, but on other adventures I like to bring more with me.

I got this ONA camera/laptop bag from Santa, so now I can bring my camera and laptop with me without fear of them getting bashed around in my other, non-padded bag. Oh! And another Christmas present featured in this post is my new pretty iMo camera strap! Now my camera looks so snazzy (and kinda matches the dress I just made!).

The journal I covered in vintage fabric and embroidered for my upcoming e-course, so I've been carrying it around with me a lot. Not pictured, though sometimes in my bag, is my laptop. It's nice to get out of the house to work at a coffee shop or bar, just for a change of scenery, and maybe to run into some friends. I also try to carry a few business cards around with me, just in case. I usually don't have occasion to give them out unless I'm at a blogger meet up or conference, but they're fun to carry around, and they make me feel so official. I just got new ones from Moo, to match my blog redesign!

Camera Bag Wishlist

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6

I'm still using my crappy little book bag that I used to haul my school books around in as my carry-all laptop/camera bag, but as Christmas approaches I've been taking a look at some camera bags that strike my fancy. I'm pretty specific when it comes to what kind of camera bag I get, simply because it needs to carry multiple things and I also need to be able to carry it on my bike, plus it's a big investment. The reason I use the bag I currently do is because it's a messenger bag and I can easily sling it around my body, hop on my bike and ride around, oh and it's free.

I think my favorites from this list are the Union Street Bag from Ona (#6), the Libby bag from Kelly Moore (#1) and the Brooklyn bag from Ona (#5). The Brooklyn bag isn't really as multipurpose as I'd like, but it's just so pretty! The most functional, I think, is probably the Union Street Bag. Not only does it have ample space for a camera and laptop, it also is made out of wax infused cotton canvas which seems like it would be useful for a bit of rain-proofing (which those of us here in the Northwest are in desperate need of!). I also still love the Libby Bag from Kelly Moore, though. It's both pretty and has all the capacity I need, plus it's got a messenger strap.

Do you guys have a camera bag you love? Where did you get it? If not, which of the above are your favorites?

Tweet Tweet!

Oh man, you guys. I have been staring at a computer screen for nearly all the hours that I've been awake today! I'm trying to figure out how to use Twitter, as I just made a twitter account for the boutique I work at, and I don't have a personal Twitter account to have figured all this newfangled mumbo-jumbo beforehand. Oh well, I figure I'm relatively web-savvy, so all has been going relatively well. If any of you are local Alaskans, check out the myspaces for Lulu E. Bebe and Cosette, and follow us on both Twitters.

Aren't these things so cute? (photos courtesy of Cosette)

I'm hoping this new job won't be too huge of a drain on my finances, as I'm going to have to be buying clothes from there to wear to work. Not that I don't want to buy clothes from the boutiques (I love their clothes!), but saving money is kind of my schtick right now, so thrifting has been my modus operandi of late. I've been avoiding retail at all costs. I'll have to bite the bullet and get some new duds though. Maybe I'll put some old clothes on here for you guys to buy to offset the costs of my new things. If I offered some of my old items for you guys to buy, would anyone be interested?

I hope everyone's weekends were great! On-to Monday! Weigh anchor!!

P.S. Excuse the white corners on the above photos, they were edited for a white background site and I just put them on here because I liked them, and you all know how I love me some photos. Too much text makes me disgruntled.

P.P.S. Get excited about the debut of my new Blogger of the Moment, coming in the near future... after my eyes have a rest from this blasted glowing screen...

I'll eat you up, I love you so

So even though I wasn't totally wowed by Where the Wild Things Are, I WAS wowed by the Wild Things/Opening Ceremony collab, which was incredible!

In fact, I loved it so much that I immediately went out to Joanne's Fabrics and bought some faux fur fabric to make my own Wild Things skirt!

skirt/handmade : shirt/DIY : shoes/minnetonka

I wore my new jeans today! I love them. I can't believe how well they fit. I have a terrible time finding jeans that will fit me properly. I've wanted jeans like this for so long, I was amazed when I found them the first time I went shopping for jeans. Plus I got them on sale, 2 for $55!

blazer/little bro's : shirt/DIY : jeans/pac sun : shoes/payless : bootstraps/handmade

I've put some bootstraps on etsy, so if anyone wants some, head over to my shop and check it out!
Etsy: Your place to buy & sell all things handmade