Tweet Tweet!

Oh man, you guys. I have been staring at a computer screen for nearly all the hours that I've been awake today! I'm trying to figure out how to use Twitter, as I just made a twitter account for the boutique I work at, and I don't have a personal Twitter account to have figured all this newfangled mumbo-jumbo beforehand. Oh well, I figure I'm relatively web-savvy, so all has been going relatively well. If any of you are local Alaskans, check out the myspaces for Lulu E. Bebe and Cosette, and follow us on both Twitters.

Aren't these things so cute? (photos courtesy of Cosette)

I'm hoping this new job won't be too huge of a drain on my finances, as I'm going to have to be buying clothes from there to wear to work. Not that I don't want to buy clothes from the boutiques (I love their clothes!), but saving money is kind of my schtick right now, so thrifting has been my modus operandi of late. I've been avoiding retail at all costs. I'll have to bite the bullet and get some new duds though. Maybe I'll put some old clothes on here for you guys to buy to offset the costs of my new things. If I offered some of my old items for you guys to buy, would anyone be interested?

I hope everyone's weekends were great! On-to Monday! Weigh anchor!!

P.S. Excuse the white corners on the above photos, they were edited for a white background site and I just put them on here because I liked them, and you all know how I love me some photos. Too much text makes me disgruntled.

P.P.S. Get excited about the debut of my new Blogger of the Moment, coming in the near future... after my eyes have a rest from this blasted glowing screen...