Inside my Bag

I haven't done a what's in my bag post in ... I can't even remember. Probably three years. Most of the time I don't carry anything that's worth noting. My phone (the ancient and faithful Nokia 6010), my keys, and my card case are usually the only things I take with me for most outings, but on other adventures I like to bring more with me.

I got this ONA camera/laptop bag from Santa, so now I can bring my camera and laptop with me without fear of them getting bashed around in my other, non-padded bag. Oh! And another Christmas present featured in this post is my new pretty iMo camera strap! Now my camera looks so snazzy (and kinda matches the dress I just made!).

The journal I covered in vintage fabric and embroidered for my upcoming e-course, so I've been carrying it around with me a lot. Not pictured, though sometimes in my bag, is my laptop. It's nice to get out of the house to work at a coffee shop or bar, just for a change of scenery, and maybe to run into some friends. I also try to carry a few business cards around with me, just in case. I usually don't have occasion to give them out unless I'm at a blogger meet up or conference, but they're fun to carry around, and they make me feel so official. I just got new ones from Moo, to match my blog redesign!