street style

On the Street // Biking on 6th

Another street style shot from last friday. Maddie rolled up on her cute blue bike in her little hat looking too gorgeous not to photograph. I didn't get a close up shot, but she was wearing some amazing vintage Etienne Aigner shoes that she thrifted. I love how happy everyone looks on sunny days! It's supposed to get sunny and warm again this weekend, so maybe I'll trek out for another go at taking street style photos!

On The Street // Working

I took quite a few street style photos last friday (the first of which you saw on Monday), and since it was such an absolutely gorgeous day, I wanted to spread out those pretty sunny pictures throughout this week because it's supposed to rain and rain and rain this week. Gotta have a reminder that lovely days will come again!

Anyway, this girl sat outside the BBC for a few hours working on her laptop and I just loved her casual, summery outfit. I'm totally jonesin' for that hat (I think this summer is going to be all about hats), and I love the simple, comfy looking striped top and cute sandals.

Visual Life

I guess since today was all about street style I would post this video that some of you shared with me! I'm for sure way behind the curve with this beautiful film, but I thought I'd share it anyway. I think Scott Schumann would be an incredibly interesting person to have coffee with and just talk to for hours. I like his outlook on life and dedication to his craft. I thoroughly enjoy encountering people who are completely into honing the thing they love into this beautifully cared for skill.

6th Ave Style.

Yesterday I planned on sitting outside on 6th ave all afternoon trying to get some street style photos. I sat there for a while and almost no one walked by, but then a bunch of friends showed up and they were looking pretty swell so I snapped some shots of their outfits!

These two girls were sitting outside the tattoo shop and I got a shot of them. I was in love with the plaid sneakers, striped purse, glasses and scarf on the girl on the left, and the girl on the right is making me want some Keds sneakers even more than I already do (is that even possible?). My first outing trying to take street style photos wasn't too painful, though it was pretty unsuccessful. I wonder how the big shot street style photogs do it. Like... what is their approach? I've never had my photo taken by a street style photographer, so I don't know what they say and do. I'm just going to try to have my camera with me more frequently. This means I need to get a messenger bag that is more safe for camera transportation...