6th Ave Style.

Yesterday I planned on sitting outside on 6th ave all afternoon trying to get some street style photos. I sat there for a while and almost no one walked by, but then a bunch of friends showed up and they were looking pretty swell so I snapped some shots of their outfits!

These two girls were sitting outside the tattoo shop and I got a shot of them. I was in love with the plaid sneakers, striped purse, glasses and scarf on the girl on the left, and the girl on the right is making me want some Keds sneakers even more than I already do (is that even possible?). My first outing trying to take street style photos wasn't too painful, though it was pretty unsuccessful. I wonder how the big shot street style photogs do it. Like... what is their approach? I've never had my photo taken by a street style photographer, so I don't know what they say and do. I'm just going to try to have my camera with me more frequently. This means I need to get a messenger bag that is more safe for camera transportation...