go live!

his past week I got to spend two days helping some amazing, creative ladies put on an incredible workshop up in Seattle!  Promise Tangeman and her team of awesome designers, Liz, Meg, Brooke, and Ash, asked if I'd be willing to help out with the GoLive workshop and I leapt at the opportunity to hang out with such inspiring women.  And as a bonus, since it was up in Seattle and I did not feel like fighting rush hour traffic from Tacoma, I stayed at Moorea Seal's house and got to catch up with yet another favorite, creative gal!  I brought Dusty with me and Moorea, her boyfriend Max, and her sister Alexandra all got to play with little Dust for a couple days!  While I was out at the GoLive workshop, Dusty got all popular on Reddit without me!

The workshop was at Makers in Seattle, which was such a cool space.  It's a co-working office where you can buy a membership, sort of like a gym, and have access to a desk, conference rooms, meeting spaces, and you get to be around other badass creative entrepreneurs in addition to being in a space that is just gorgeous and inspirational.  I know that Tacoma has a co-working space, but it's nowhere near as beautiful a space, more like a typical cubicle type office.  


top + skirt/courtesy of modcloth :: necklace/francesca's collection
shoes/courtesy of blowfish shoes :: photos by Tonie Christine Photography

With the GoLive workshop, attendees build and launch their websites in two days!  Included in the Workshop are new head shots by a professional photographer, and they offered me some as well!  I always enjoy not having to take my own photos, it's refreshing to not have to worry about being the photographer sometimes!

Since the workshop is about graphic design and such, I felt like wearing a bit more of a graphic outfit.  I got this polka dot pencil skirt at the beginning of the month and it goes perfectly with this striped crop top!  I bought this necklace quite a while ago, and I just put it on recently and noticed that it matches my hair almost exactly!  I get a lot of people asking if teal or green is my favorite color, since I dyed my hair green, but it really isn't.  I like it, sure, but it's not my favorite.  I think it's funny that people think that a color has to be your absolute favorite in order to dye your hair that color.  I just thought it'd be fun and it'll probably change again in the next couple months, but for now my wacky neighbor believes that I'm giving the Seahawks some good luck, so it'll be green till at least Sunday!