favorite blog posts of 2014

ow crazy is it that we're already nearing the end of January 2015 already?  Before all the hubbub of the new year is over I wanted to share a few of my favorite posts from last year.  I slowed down the blogging pace in 2014 and I think I'll continue that slower pace as we start into 2015.  I'm not the same blogger I was back in the you days of Delightfully Tacky, but I still love this place and sharing outfits, recipes, home decor and whatever else strikes my fancy.  To be honest, I've thought quite a few times in the last year about calling it quits on the whole blogging thing.  Finding where blogging fits in my life nowadays, and in this new shifting blogosphere, has been a bit of a struggle and I know I've lost quite a few readers in the meantime.  If you're still around, thanks for hanging out with (digital) me!  I know it can be weird to see a blogger you love shift focus, or change in ways that aren't totally your jam, it's happened to me as a blog reader, too.   Heck, as a blog reader my preferences have changed, even when a blog has stayed the same, and found myself disinterested or pulled in other directions.  So if you're still around, sweet.  If you're new, hello!  If you're "meh" or over it, feel free to hop along to other blogs that might interest you more!  I'm truly not sure exactly what 2015 will hold for this here space on the web.  What I do know is that I'd like to focus more on my passions, like photography.  I still like doing outfit posts, but don't feel as gung ho about them as I used to a couple years ago.  Also, especially this time of year, the lack of daylight hours paired with the deluge of constant rain really makes outfit photos super unappealing.

So we'll see where 2015 takes Delightfully Tacky.  Maybe it won't even be called Delightfully Tacky this time next year, wouldn't that be weird?  For now, here's a look back at my favorite posts from 2014...

Putting the Pill To Bed

Our Bedroom Tour

Your Femininity is Not Defined by Body Hair

DIY Rolling Island

Fancy Savory Popcorn: Three Ways

My Favorite Lip Colors

Our Living Room

DIY Hexagon Painted Wall

5 Ways to Style a Headband

DIY Globe Hanging Lamp

Back in El Paso

DIY Gold Glitter Glasses