labor days

ne of the downsides of being self employed is that you don't really have vacation days.  Well, unless you force yourself to not do anything one day, which is easier said than done.  Scrolling through my Facebook feed yesterday I saw tons of people enjoying family barbecues, relaxing beach activities, and backyard hangouts.  It can be easy to never "leave" work, when work is just a laptop-open away, and even if the laptop is closed, shutting down work-mode-brain can be nearly impossible.  But lately I've felt like a break is needed, and seeing everybody enjoying quality time with friends and family on Labor day intensified that feeling.  Luckily I'll be going to a family friend's wedding this weekend and so I might leave the computer at home, buy a book I've been wanting to read, and just unplug for some quality time with loved ones.  Technically I will be working (I'm shooting the wedding), but the couple days before the wedding it'll be nice to just melt back into the warmth of spending time with loved ones, sans technology.

How do you self-employed ladies balance work and home/not-work life?  Any sneaky tricks I'm missing (or is it just work to the point of near burnout, then crash for a few days, drink some wine, binge on Netflix and then get back to work)?


top + blazer/courtesy of modcloth :: skirt(similar)/thrifted
purse(similar)/courtesy of fossil :: necklace(similar)/gift :: glasses/courtesy of bonlook
shoes(similar)/courtesy of bc footwear:: photos by Dan