dusty's wishlist

Dusty is one year old!  I'm not sure of her exact birthday (I need to find that out!) but she was born in early June or late May, which means our little bebe is celebrating a birthday!  She's still a puppy in my eyes, but she has grown up quite a bit in the last year.  I'm sure all Dusty wants for her birthday are more toys and an extra helping of kibbles, but there are a few other things that have been on my Dusty wishlist for a while!

1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7

One thing she really does need is a new collar.  She's still wearing the one we bought her right after she came home, and it's on the last hole and getting a bit snug.  Our Jack Russels always had leather collars with name plates, which we got from the same place we got our horse tack, and they lasted their entire lives.  The leather aged and became supple, and acutally, Simon is wearing Pansy's old collar with a new name plate, so it'll probably last two dog lifetimes!  They're a little more spendy than a normal collar, but they last so long and are durable that I think it's worth it.   I also really love the vintage reclaimed collar (#7), but it's expensive and Dusty's fur is so long you don't even see her collar.  I just thought it was pretty.

Dusty is the messiest drinker I've ever seen.  I swear when I watch her drink it's like 50% of the water goes on the floor instead of in he mouth.  Our current solution is a nasty old towel laying under her bowl, but I'd prefer a better, more attractive solution.  I love both the brass tray and the raised dish holder, though I'm not sure the raised holder would solve the problem, just look cool.  It would be nice to get her dishes off the ground, though.

I threw in some toys, just so Dusty wouldn't glare at me.  She needs super durable toys because she sure can tear up a toy, and these little rubber bones looked like they'd last.  I also like toys that don't make a ton of noise when I throw them in the house, and these ones look like they'd bounce pretty quietly.  

One last thing we need is a dog bed.  Currently she lays on pillows and blankets piled on the floor.  She has a pile next to our bed (though she insists on laying on the pile of pillows and blankets in bed most of the time), and a pile in the kitchen.  It works, but it's not really visually attractive, to say the least.  I've thought about making a dog bed for her myself, but these ones are pretty fantastic.  Most dog beds aren't much more attractive than my pile of blankets, so I love finding ones that are functional and visually pleasing.