rhubarb crumble pie

Ugh, Rhubarb season, you guys.  Yes you may discuss how awesome it is.  In the past week I've talked to two people who are both as passionate about the superiority of rhubarb pie over strawberry-rhubarb and it makes my heart warm.  One shall not adulterate the tangy goodness of rhubarb pie with strawberries.  I love me some strawberries, but they have their own time and place.  A rhubarb pie is not one of them.  I've made rhubarb pie plenty of times in the past, but this time I wanted something different than my usual lattice top.  When I found a recipe for a crumble pie top I felt like it'd make a pie that had a rhubarb crisp alter-ego, which is basically perfection.  Considering the fact that this pie disappeared within one day, I'd say it was a success.  Pie is totally legit as a breakfast food right?
While I was making the pie I was also sort of simultaneously making homemade salsa and chips and I had been cutting jalapeños right before I cut a slice of pie.  I licked the pie off the knife (because, obviously) and my taste buds had an epiphany.  A jalapeño-rhubarb epiphany.  I need to make something with that flavor combo now because it was super interesting.  Simple syrup?  Rhubarb jalapeño cocktail of some sort?  Salsa?  Brainstorming. 

(recipe via Martha Stewart)
Pie Dough (or your favorite recipe)
All-purpose flour, for dusting
1 3/4 pounds (about 6 cups) rhubarb, cut crosswise into 3/4-inch pieces
1 cup sugar
2 tablespoons cornstarch
Pinch of salt

Crumble Topping:
3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/3 cup packed light-brown sugar
3 tablespoons granulated sugar
Pinch of salt
6 tablespoons cold unsalted butter (cut into small pieces)

1. Place the pie dough on a floured piece of parchment paper.  Roll out dough to a 14-inch round. Use the parchment to lift and wrap dough around rolling pin; carefully unroll over a 9-inch pie dish. Mold the dough gently into your pie dish.  Trim the excess dough to a 1-inch overhang; fold under, and press gently to seal. Give your pie a fancy edge, and refrigerate for 1 hour.

2. While the crust is refrigerating, make the crumble topping.  In a medium bowl, mix flour, light-brown sugar, granulated sugar, and salt. With your hands, work in butter until large, moist clumps form. Chill, covered, until the pie crust is done refrigerating. 

3. Preheat oven to 400 degrees with rack in lowest level. In a large bowl, toss rhubarb with sugar, cornstarch, and salt. Pour into your refrigerated pie shell and sprinkle with Crumble Topping. Place pie on a foil-lined rimmed baking sheet.

4. Place pie in oven and reduce the heat to 375 degrees. Bake until the topping is browned and crust is lightly browned, about 1 1/2 hours. (If topping or crust begins to brown too quickly, tent with foil.) Cool completely before serving or risk burned mouths.  It's hard to wait, I know.