cleaning up

This past week has flown by.  I seriously can't believe it's Monday again.  I've been working like crazy to get the Winne ready for Kristi to move into, and finally got (most) everything done yesterday just before she had to move out of her apartment.  I've got a few more repairs/updates to finish up, but it's livable!  Once I finish everything up and all of Kristi's stuff is organized (moving in always makes a place look like a mini hurricane blew through) I'll have to share the updates! 
In the midst of the week, in which I was mostly wearing dirty jeans and a sawdust covered hoodie, I was invited to be a part of a fun mother/daughter event that a photographer friend was putting on at her studio.  I figured I should probably not look like I just walked off the set of This Old House, so I threw on a maxi dress and disguised my not-washed hair with a giant succulent crown and called it good.  Later that day I had a wedding rehearsal dinner to go to, so it worked well as a double duty outfit.  After being dirty and unkempt for days it was nice to get fancy and clean up a bit.

dress/courtesy of lulu's :: necklace + succulent crown/handmade