a delightful giveaway from chandler smith photography

Hi guys!  Today I'm partnering up with Chandler Smith Photography to give all you engaged ladies a chance at an awesome prize!  Chandler is an amazing photographer and she's offering a chance for not one but THREE lucky gals to win a wedding photography package from her!  I've shared a few of my favorite images of hers here in this post, but if you're not already convinced that she's got an incredible eye and skill behind a lens (or, you know, if you just want more eye-candy), you can definitely check out her portfolio.  Chandler's located in Jacksonville, FL, so if you're further than 30miles from Jacksonville you'll need to pay for her travel expenses, but that's still a crazy great deal when you're getting the whole wedding photography package free!

To enter, head over to Chandler Smith Photography's facebook and click "like," then follow the directions below to email your entry to chandlersmithphotography@gmail.com!