BACK TO BASICS // denim top two

It's felt like we've been living in a dream all week with the heat and sun, and now we've woken up and are back to the same ol' cloudy, dim, rainy days again.  It was magical, though, while it lasted.  I think we've got at least another month or two until Summer is here to stay but these little pockets of summer have been keeping me going in the meantime.  On Thursday it was over 80ºF and we took full advantage of it.  Masa's sundeck opened and we cycled down during the evening to grab some Coronas with chips and salsa and enjoy the last bit of sun.  We weren't ready for the day to end yet and it was still warm after the sun went down (warm nights might be one of my top 5 favorite things in the world), so we rode to Red Hot for another beer before calling it a night.  It was much too hot during the day for this denim top, but I brought it with me when we rode to Masa because I knew it'd cool down after the sun set.  It was the perfect layer to throw on as we biked home.  

The hot weather has ignited a love of iced tea in me that never really existed before.  Last summer I'd bought some raspberry iced tea bags with the plan of making it and never did.  After organizing my tea stash a couple weeks ago I found it again and vowed to actually use it.  I'm not a big water drinker, which is a problem because I'm probably perpetually dehydrated.  Anything with flavor, though, and I'm all over it.  I'm pretty sure I'm incapable of drinking juice at a normal pace.  It's chugging or nothing with juice.  When I'm dehydrated while sleeping I have dreams about juice.  Seriously.  I've been loving this iced tea business though.  Still tasty and flavorful, and it's damn refreshing on an 80º day.  I think 2014 will be the summer of iced teas.  Do you guys have any favorite iced teas? 


red top/courtesy of lulu's :: shorts/courtesy of modcloth :: denim top(similar)/thrifted
shoes/minnetonka :: shades/courtesy of bonlook :: photos by Dan