BACK TO BASICS // denim top one

On Saturday I finally got down to Wayzgoose at King's Books!  The last few years I've missed it, which is pretty embarrassing as someone who graduated from college with a degree in printmaking.  Wayzgoose is an annual event celebrating printmaking and book arts with tons of fun interactive events like getting to print pull your own little prints with local printmaking studios, paper-making, and watching the steamroller printing huge 3x3 linoleum block prints!  It's been so long since I was around printmaking in such a hands-on and visceral way and man do I miss it.  I always told myself I'd have a printmaking studio in my garage, so maybe I'll make it a goal this summer to make a little printmaking studio.  Anybody looking to offload a cheap printing press?


We've been working on getting the Winne "freshened up" because we're going to have my best friend live in it for a while!  I think eventually we might have it be an Airbnb rental, but it needs some fixing up before I'd feel okay having strangers stay in it (it has some... quirks).  Anyway, I was over at her apartment the other day and we were talking about downsizing stuff to fit in the Winne and it took me back to when I lived in it and had that tiny closet.  She was saying how she really wants to pare down her closet (and she'll probably need to at least a little bit to fit into the Brave), and I've been wanting to simplify my closet a bit as well.  I always have the problem of thinking that, hey, maybe someday I'll want to wear that again.  I know the general rule is to give away anything you haven't worn in a year, but I'm pretty sure I had these shorts in my closet for about a year before I wore them.  I bought them on a whim, then didn't wear them for about a year.  But I know that I like them and even if I don't wear them very often, they're still cute and feel like my style.  They are probably way too many items I haven't worn in a year sitting in my closet but I just get so nostalgic about them when I go to throw them in the donate pile.  And I also have the problem of looking back at old photos of my mom when she was younger, wishing she'd saved some of her cute clothes.  So of course I feel like I have to save cute or significant pieces for my future hypothetical daughter.  You guys can't tell I'm a pack rat at all, can you?  Don't worry, I absolutely didn't save every single geometry assignment and test from 9th grade.  Nope.  Not me.  That would be ridiculous.  


top(similar)/thrifted :: shorts(similar)/forever 21 :: tights(similar)/target
scarf(similar)/modcloth :: boots(similar)/courtesy of blowfish shoes