corgi safari

Yesterday I got some new running shoes so I can do the Make A Wish Walk for Wishes and the Seattle Children's Hospital Run of Hope!  I don't think I've ever gotten running shoes that fit me, and I ran track and did basketball in high school.  The shoes I'd been running in earlier this summer were the same ones I had in high school and they were size 6.5... two sizes too big.  Granted, I did have track spikes that fit me for races, but my regular old running shoes?  Nope.  I'm pretty happy to have shoes that fit properly and the folks at South Sound Running were super helpful in fitting my baby feet with some good shoes.  I haven't run since Warrior Dash, mainly because I had no running shoes, so I'm glad to get back to it!  I haven't been running or working out since the beginning of August, so I'm not really excited to discover how out of shape I've become, but you gotta start somewhere, right?  I'm kind of looking forward to the cooler temperatures simply because it's not really appealing to work out in an 85 degree house.

If you haven't checked out my post about the fundraisers I'm doing this month, click here to read more!  This month I'm doing the Walk for Wishes to support the Make A Wish foundation, and then Run of Hope at the end of the month, which supports brain cancer research for Seattle Children's Hospital!

dress/dear creatures :: hat/courtesy of modcloth :: shoes(similar)/courtesy of blowfish
bag(similar)/courtesy of handbag heaven :: photos by dan

This dress is one of the dresses from Dear Creatures' summer collection that I was oogling earlier in the year.  When I saw it was on sale a couple weeks ago I decided to go for it.  It kind of makes me feel like I'm on an urban safari.  With a tiny corgi.  It's not a very exotic safari.  We went to the farmer's market on Saturday with Dusty to pick up our CSA and it's always a pretty funny experience.  Every 10 feet or so, we get stopped by someone asking to pet Dusty or take her photo.   It's like hanging out with a celebrity or something!  All things considered, especially with all the stimulation and attention at the farmer's market, Dusty has been doing great with it all!  It's nice to take her out somewhere like that to socialize her and get her used to more people and dogs.