here + there

Yesterday Dusty and I took an impromptu road trip to Gresham to visit my dad, brothers, and family friends.  My brothers were coming back from Alaska to head back to college, and my dad was helping them move in to their new places, and since none of them had met Dusty yet, they begged me to come down and bring her.  It was great getting to see everyone, if only briefly.  Dusty met our family friends' Jack Russell and Italian Greyhound and had entirely too much fun prodding them until they acquiesced into playing with her.  She's a wonderful car dog, which is nice to know.  Dan and I would really love to go on some camping trips with her, so I'm happy she gets along well in the car.  

Last week I got to do a fun photo shoot with Moorea for her collaboration with Madewell, which was really awesome.  I love getting to be behind the lens, instead of being behind and in front simultaneously.  It's nice to have more control over the images I create.  Plus, it's just great to get to work with someone awesome like Moorea.  Head over to her blog to check out all her outfit posts in collaboration with Madewell!

I won a ticket to MLK Ballet's Ten Tiny Dances, so on Sunday I walked up to Jazzbones and got to see some incredible dance performances!  I had remembered hearing about Ten Tiny Dances last year, but wasn't able to attend.  I danced a bit in college and I love it.  I'd like to get back into dance somehow, even though I'm not technically trained or anything.  Something about dance is just so genuine and authentic, I love moving my body and experiencing life through movement and rhythm.

There were so many talented performers, some breathtakingly gorgeous, some hilarious, some emotional, some fun.  It was a great night and I'm glad I brought my camera.  I wasn't planning on taking photos, but once the show started I couldn't not take photos.

Gratuitous pictures of Dusty, because obviously.  Also, this photo, which cracks me up: