same old road

Lately I've been super uncreative with outfit photo locations.  This almost always happens this time of year, though, due to not really wanting to be outdoors for very long searching for pretty photo locations.  The sun still sets pretty early in the day, and usually by the time 3 o'clock rolls around I realize I'm about to lose my light and dash outside to grab some photos before it's too late.  I want to say I'll be more creative soon, but next week we're siding the house so the likelihood of me even putting on a photo-worthy outfit is slim, much less having the time to take photos.  Thankfully the weather has been amazing this last week and I'm praying it holds out while we're working outside on the house!  Yesterday we spent a few hours removing the old siding, which was surprisingly quick work, and quite therapeutic.  I wish there was always siding to rip off when I'm feeling stressed/PMSing.  I digress.

I should probably do some sort of 365 or 52 photography project but I've never been able to come up with one that strikes my fancy.  I take photos almost every day for my outfit posts, so I'm already taking photos frequently, which I think is one of the main points of a 365 project.  Perhaps I'll do something like a 52 week project doing one shoot a week which is more creative/introspective/conceptual.  Of course, I'd better decide soon, since I'm already two weeks behind.  Always so behind with this whole new year thing.  Which reminds me, I still haven't posted my 26 before 27 goals!  Soon!

dress/dear creatures courtesy of modcloth :: coat/courtesy of tulle :: boots/courtesy of blowfish
top/courtesy of tailor & stylist :: gloves/courtesy of at&t :: necklace/courtesy of  poppy & fern

Yesterday I spray painted my desk legs gold, so my studio feels a bit fancier now.  Of course the piles of things still needing organization don't really make it feel fancy, but if I ignore that part.  My studio is going to be a bunk room for brothers/cousins soon, though, so I'm not too worried about getting it ship shape quite yet.  After hulking dudes vacate my space I will resume working on it.  I also put up a little pallet/hook wall in the bathroom.  I've never done anything with pallets, but holy cow.  They are heavy, and the wood is hard.  I was nailing it and I was like... am I doing this right?  I've nailed a lot of things before, so I figured it wasn't my nailing technique.  How come no one told me pallets suck?  But damn does that pallet wood look so perfectly rustic.  Even knowing how much they suck I want to do more pallet projects.  Maybe I'll just seek out some non-pallet, rustic looking wood I can reclaim.  I still need to hit up our local Habitat for Humanity Re-Store.  I used to LOVE the one in Spokane.  I would get tons of stuff there for art projects in college.  They have $1 doors, people.  Come on.