here + there

Just a few bits and pieces from recent times.  I've been trying to take more pictures of everyday life, rather than just for-the-blog type photos.  It's especially fun since it's kind of documenting this house and all the little changes and upgrades that we're doing.  But also, it's nice to focus on the little things.  To notice little moments and capture them with a photo.  Maybe it's just the way the light is hitting the wall, or how yummy breakfast looks, or the silly face Dan is making, but it's all special.  


About month ago we received a package from Craft Coffee, which came right in time as we had just ran out of beans.  I'm usually not a big fan of subscription boxes, as I find in most cases the concept would just cause more clutter and the acquisition of unneeded items.  But since we drink at least one cup of coffee a day at home (way cheaper than going out for coffee, though we do lots of that too), Craft Coffee actually does make sense!  Each month you get a pretty little package full of delicious beans that have been chosen by a rigorous taste test, so you get to taste the best beans from all over the place, without even having to leave your house!  I mean, we've got some damn good coffee roasters in this fine city, but it's still a fun way to get great coffee, especially if you don't have access to a high quality roaster in your area!


I think my favorite time of day is sipping on the first cup of coffee and cooking breakfast.  The day is still new, and fresh coffee tastes magical, and my tummy is always so ready for some delicious food.  Dan makes coffee and I cook up some potatoes, sausage and two eggs.  Sometimes toast and jam.  Lately it's been sunny, which is so refreshing after what feels like months of solid grey cloudy days.  The sun streaming through the kitchen window is just the best.  I can't wait until summer when we can open the back door and let the fresh, warm air breeze in.  I want our back door to be one of those farmhouse split doors where you can cool summer pies.