Life Lately

I haven't done one of these in two months!  I'm blaming the excitement of autumn's arrival again.  Poor autumn, such a scapegoat.  I'm going to model this Life Lately post after Julie and Danielle's posts...

One of my lovely readers sent me her new novella, Menthol Kisses.  I'm slowly plugging away through it, but I'm really liking it!  In the past few years I've read fewer fiction/stories/just for fun type of books, so it's nice to step back into that world of getting to know a character and following them where the story goes.

Doctor Who Season 5.  A friend who I worked with at camp last summer got me into Doctor Who and let me borrow all of his DVDs, so whenever I was on a break from supervising high schoolers I would steal away some time to myself watching Doctor Who.  This fall I've gotten Dan into it, so we started from the (Eccleston) beginning and are currently at the beginning of Season 5.  I'm trying to convince Dan that it would be the best thing in the world if for Halloween he was the Doctor and I was the Tardis...

Moving out of our tiny house.  I've been complaining a lot about this lately, but it sure would be nice to get into somewhere bigger.  I have a 2012 Ikea catalog sitting on our coffee table and it's a dangerous thing to have around.  Just makes me want to move even more!  Trying to be patient and just wait for whatever's suppose to happen.

Working on...
A new e-course, some lovely blog design clients, editing photos, and trying to figure out how to do a hair tutorial video.  Our house is so small (and dark) that making a video inside is nearly impossible... or maybe it is possible, just very difficult.


Rediscovering red lipstick // trying on hats + scarves at H&M // ALL of the pumpkin beers
Watching the Seahawks win! // crunchy leaves // pumpkin time // winter knit hats
spiced amaretto latte from Metronome! DE-lish!  // Dan made blueberry pancakes, mmmm.

Some interesting reads around the web...

 An amazing article on the misconception of online cliques.  I've often heard people make those same statements that she mentions in the first paragraph, and she does a great job talking about it objectively.

 This is not a read, but it is absolutely hilarious.

 I loved Meg's post about giving people shit for reading books like Twilight and 50 Shades.  You go, girl.

 This is just completely heartbreaking.

 I really enjoyed this article on Relevant Magazine's website- You Never Marry the Right Person.  I definitely think we have this misconception that there is the absolute perfect person out there to marry, who will be absolutely perfect for the entirety of the marriage.  When this misconception collides with the reality that every person is constantly growing and changing...