driftwood + pebbles

A couple weeks ago I did a family portrait session down at Owen Beach at Point Defiance, so Dan & I went down a little before the shoot to see what the lighting was like and do some test shots.  Dan snapped a few outfit photos of me while we were playing around on the beach before the client showed up.  Pacific Northwest beaches are just so diverse in color and texture.  I love how the forest comes right up to the edge of the beach, and instead of sand, it's all pebbles and driftwood and washed up kelp.  I love me some sandy hawaiian beaches for laying out on, but I think PNW beaches are so much more beautiful for photographs.  

dress/courtesy of marshalls :: top + jacket/courtesy of asianicandy :: necklace/handmade
belt/thrifted :: boots/courtesy of blowfish shoes :: photos of me by Dan

The ombre in my hair is getting more noticeable lately, it seems.  By summer's end I usually get a little ombre going on but I forgot that this happens, since my hair hasn't been my natural color the past few years.  I remember I use to hold the ends of my hair up to my brother's hair at the end of the summer (he has crazy vibrant red hair), and my tips were almost exactly the same shade as his hair.  I have a feeling this time it's more likely that my tips are just the growout from when my hair actually was red.  I dyed it back to my natural color in December, but haven't done anything to it since then, so I guess that dye is gone by now.