Time Flies

I've worn quite a few variations of this outfit recently, just because it's so comfortable and easy. I figured since it was so comfy it was a good outfit for a plane trip, and thankfully I chose it because my flight ended up being quite a little fiasco! We got on the plane on time and pulled out to the end of the runway when the co-pilot got on the intercom and said we would have to go back to the terminal because there was a discrepancy in some sort of checklist or mechanical thing. So we sat at the terminal for a while before it was determined we had to get on another plane. Everyone got off the plane, walked to a new gate and got on a new plane. We ended up leaving SeaTac about 15 minutes before we were supposed to arrive in Anchorage. Whoops! I didn't mind at all because I didn't have a connection to make. It actually worked out perfectly because no one was able to pick me up from the airport at my original arrival time, but by the time I got there, my mom was off work and could come get me!

dress/modcloth :: top/courtesy of free people :: jacket/lulu*s
tights/target :: boots + scarf/thrifted :: bag/courtesy of handbag heaven

It's been very wonderful being home. Sometimes a change of scenery is just what is needed, especially when it's home. Unfortunately Dan couldn't come along for this trip because of school and work, but it's nice to be here with the fam just like old times. My Grandma and Grampa flew up today, and it's so nice to see them again because my wedding was such a whirlwind that I barely got to spend five minutes with them! I understand now why some cultures celebrate weddings for a week. Tomorrow we're having a party for my little brother's graduation, and then Tuesday he walks! I can't believe it's been seven years since my high school graduation. I remember thinking about how my little brother's high school graduation was so far off in the future, and here we are! Time is just crazy. I swear to God I'm going to blink and will find myself watching my own children throwing their graduation caps in the air.