Autumn Dearest

As much as I hate to type the words "Fall/Winter", this F/W '12 collection from Dear Creatures is just too good. So far Dear Creatures has yet to disappoint and is always the one collection I'm eagerly awaiting each season. This collection is full of my favorite cuts, shapes and colors. Even though I'm excited for the months to come where layering is no longer a necessity, I really do love being able to layer different textures, patterns, and pieces. Plus, fall has my favorite color palette. The one annoying thing about seeing these photos in May is the fact that I know I won't be able to get my hands on any of these pretty pieces until fall! But that's all well and good, I suppose. I'll enjoy the hot days of simplicity this summer and by the time fall rolls around, I'm sure I'll be excited to layer, wear tights and sweaters, and all the sartorial trappings of autumn.

photos found via lowefactor