The Time Traveler's Wife

Going back in time here to before Christmas. Once I got wedding photos I was super excited to post them, but I was still taking outfit photos, so I'll be backlogged for a while with outfits and DIY projects that had to be put on hold until the wedding onslaught was over. I guess the onslaught isn't over yet, but we can at least come up for air for a sec before diving back in for a couple more wedding related posts.

I've been pretty happy with my wardrobe lately. I feel like in every outfit post I want to say, "all of these pieces are my favorites!" Which is exactly what I want to say about this set! Truth be told, though, this dress really is one of my favorites, and it's by one of my favorite designers, Dear Creatures. I can't wait to see what they come up with for their spring collection!

hat/thrifted :: top/tucker for target :: dress/dear creatures courtesy of modcloth
tights/courtesy of the stylish fox :: shoes/vintage

A little secret that you guys didn't know is that I went up to Alaska this whole past week! We had Christmas in Tacoma with just me and Dan, then met up with his family for Christmas dinner. The day after Christmas, we flew up to Alaska and my family had waited to have Christmas until we got there! So we got to do stockings and all my family's traditions, which was really wonderful. It was so pretty and snowy in Alaska, I kind of miss having a season of snow in Washington. I got a white Christmas after all, it seems! You'll definitely be seeing some snowy outfit posts in the near future!