colored lights, they hypnotize

Last night I went to Zoo Lights with a bunch of friends up at the Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium. I was skeptical as to if it would be lame or not, but it turned out to be pretty amazing! So many lights! And I was surprised that we got to see so many animals. The meerkats were so darn cute, they were all sleeping in a little pile to keep warm. Too. Cute. We also got to go in the aquarium and see all the fish and sharks! The sharks were my favorite. I've always loved sharks. I didn't even know the PDZA had a whole shark tank!

Afterwards Kaela and I were starving, so we grabbed a hot and ready pizza and went back to my house to hang out, scarf some pizza and sip on some delicious peppermint liqueur. We ended up going on a major walk down memory lane, concluding in me getting out my external hard drive with all my high school photos on it. Ridiculousness! So crazy to think about high school and everything I was into 10 years ago!

dress/courtesy of modcloth :: hat/vintage :: coat/tulle :: shoes/bc footwear

This outfit is (obviously) from a few days ago, before I dyed my hair. I think this is the last outfit I photographed before changing my hair. I'm excited to see how things look with my new hair. A lot of things in my closet I've acquired since having red hair, so they haven't even been worn with dark hair. It's funny how hair can change your color palette. I loved how paler colors looked with red hair, so it'll be interesting so see how they work with dark hair.