sunset rubdown

Last night I listened to Sunset Rubdown - Us Ones In Between on repeat for hours. For some reason I just resonated so strongly with it at that moment. It's strange how music can do that. For me it's usually Radiohead, but it was all about that Sunset Rubdown song last night. I don't even have it on my computer (for some odd reason), so I had to youtube it. Speaking of Radiohead, have you guys downloaded the new album, King of Limbs? I got it as soon as it came out and I'm loving it. I think at this point my favorite song is Codex. Every time Radiohead does piano, it's just the most amazing, haunting sonic experience (like Videotape, Sail to the Moon, Pyramid Song which are some of my absolute favorite Radiohead songs).

dress/vintage via delightful dozen :: shoes/courtesy of modcloth :: necklace/handmade

I absolutely love this dress from the delightful dozen, which was originally from Starr. I feel like I didn't really style the dress very creatively, and I wasn't even planning on doing outfit photos today, but the sun finally broke through the heavy armor of clouds that have been shielding it and the light was too gorgeous to not take photos (I even had to snag some sunset shots of Daniel!) . I may try to give this dress another go before I send it along to be a bit more creative in my styling. I do enjoy the simplicity of a dress, tights and heels, however. I just felt so effortlessly lovely in this outfit today.

I know that spring is somewhere on its way because the Daffodils are blooming. They are my favorite flower. Everything about them seems so joyful. They almost look like little, sunny trumpets proclaiming joy to a world exhausted with months of cold, grey winter. Thank you for your happy song, Daffodils, you are much appreciated.

I have never seen a sun that did not bury his head in the side of the world when the day is done.