grey days

Reasons I'm looking forward to spring/summer:
  • the sun coming out from behind clouds
  • the temperature being tolerable for times spent outside longer than 5 minutes
  • no more wearing tights
  • no more wearing a ton of layers to feel comfortable
  • soaking in rays of sunshine while sipping on yummy summer drinks outside my favorite cafe
  • taking the fenders off my bike!
What are you guys looking forward to in the coming months?

dress/courtesy of modcloth :: cardigan + boots/target :: tights/courtesy of the stylish fox :: belt/calico ghost town gift shop

I got this belt on my Winne Trip at one of my favorite unexpected touristy stops, Calico Ghost Town. Interestingly, today as I was going through my Bloglovin' blogs, I stopped at this post at Fancy Treehouse because the scenery looked awfully familiar and I was right! It's the same Calico Ghost Town! Such a crazy little coincidence! Photos of the southwest always make me miss my Brave. I think those were my favorite times and places on the whole trip. I would definitely do another trip and just go down the coast to the southwest for a while.