O Captain

I just got done with my photo shoot today, and it was so fun! I actually discovered a whole new place to do my own photos, so maybe I'll try to do some shoots over there before I leave. It was really great, I got to meet Danielle from Fashionably Alaskan, who was just so awesome. Photo shoots are half awesome and half awkward. It's so funny to have a real live human being on the other side of the camera. Maybe that's just a problem that bloggers have. I don't think I ever thought it was strange before I started blogging.

This photo set is actually from before I dyed my hair and now that I see these older photos, I really like how the dye job came out. Every time I think I'm ready to go back to black, I get psyched about having red hair again! If I keep pushing back dying it back to my real color I'll eventually just have for reals ombre hair!

symphony at sea dress/courtesy of modcloth :: lace top/thrifted
shoes/thrifted keds :: necklace/handmade

Thanks so much for all your guys' amazing comments, well wishes, and prayers for my brother. He's staying in Seattle for a bit longer just to make sure everything is copacetic with the valve replacement, but my mom gets to come home tonight. I should really get my mom or dad or both of them to write a story of his whole history. The amount of miracles that one boy has received has just been hard to believe. Just the fact that he is alive on any given day is an incredible blessing. It feels like every day with him is a bonus, and maybe we need to think about that with all the people we interact with. For all we know, they could be gone in an instant, so we should cherish every day with them and consider it an amazing bonus! I think especially with the rash of small plane crashes this summer up here in Alaska, being thankful for the safety and health of my family and friends has been really important.