Casual Friday

Danielle from Fashionably Alaskan, and I!

Yesterday was a lot of fun, what with the photo shoot, the beautiful sunny day, and my mom coming home! After Danielle and I wrapped the shoot I went home and frantically cleaned the house before my mom got home. Once she came home we realized that we essentially had a girls' night ahead of us because my little brother was working till 10pm and Ben and Dad were still in Washington. Pizza and Beer from Moose's Tooth ensued. Also: trying to watch Project Runway but getting thwarted by a faulty Tivo.

We took Simon and Little Bit for a walk on the beach out at Point Woronzof and watched the giant cargo planes take off right overhead. There's some thing so mesmerizing about watching those big planes take off right there. I could probably spend hours watching them. I'd probably take a picture of every one too, even though they all look the same, essentially.

Well, maybe today I'll go down to AT&T to get an iPhone for my trip and a wireless internet thingy so I can blog from the road! Woo! Mo-bile internets. I may have to get some guest bloggers going for when I'm coming down through Canada, though. I'll have to check out the range of my mobile internet. All I know is, roaming phone service through Canada is hella spendy, so I suspect that I either won't have service available, or it will cost me an arm and a leg. Both of which pose a problem. We'll see. Maybe you'll see some new faces on the old blog in the near future!

b&b reservations dress/courtesy of modcloth :: hat/claire's :: shoes/minnetonka & kensiegirl :: scarf/thrifted