Fashion's Night Out!

Well, yesterday was a pretty fun day! We started by sleeping in, which was extremely nice. I think I got up at like 11 and I swear I could've slept till 1, SO exhausted from basically two nights without decent sleep. At noon, Tieka, Annie and I trekked up to Central Park to attend the Renegade Blogger Meet Up. It was really great. I'd never been to Central Park before, and it's a very lovely place. Such a solace from the enormous city surrounding it. I would probably spend a lot of time there if I lived in New York. I bet it would be nice to be around nature, or some semblance of it, when you're usually surrounded by metal, glass, and concrete. I have lots of pictures from the meet up, but I'm going to post them later since I don't have time to sift through them all right now.

top/vintage :: skirt/ark & co via lulu e. bebe :: shoes/payless :: purse/rare treasure vintage

In the afternoon I went over to Lincoln Center which is where the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week tents are. I wandered around all the lookie-loos who were mingling near the entrance to the tents and got my picture taken a couple times. It's pretty fun going there and seeing all the fashion week shenanigans.

This outfit is from the evening, when Tieka and I went out for Fashions Night Out. First we headed over to Brooklyn to see Market Publique's pop up shop. I would've loved to grab some amazing vintage goodies, but unfortunately my budget for any sort of shopping is $0. After that we tried to find the Teen Vogue block party, which was supposed to be on Bleecker St.(?) but we walked the entire length of Bleecker and didn't find it. Kind of disappointed. Meh. So we ended up going back to the hotel and were moping for a sec about how FNO wasn't really all that fun and decided to just grab something to eat and come back and chill.

We went out to find a place to eat and oh my goodness! We ended up finding a bunch of FNO activities right near our hotel! We went to DVF, Marc Jacobs, Maybelline, Tory Burch, and Anna Wintour walked right by us at Theory. So crazy! Once we had our fill of FNO excitement, we went to that same Mexican restaurant that Annie and I went to on the first night. We got some absolutely amaaaazing strawberry daiquiris and munched on tacos and quesadillas. It hit the spot. A perfect ending to a ridiculously crazy day in the city. I just realized you guys probably never see me dressed up for any reason. Well, here I am a little bit jazzed up, I suppose. It was fun to be all sparkly and gold for a night out in the big city.

photos taken by Tieka