New York Fashion Week

INDIE Schedule...

Some of you were asking about a more detailed itinerary for the INDIE e-conference, so here's a little bit more info on the daily schedule. Each day has a specific focus and there will be multiple sessions posted each day pertaining to the overall theme of the day. Once the seminar is posted, you'll have access to it as long as you'd like, so don't worry if you miss a day, you can always go back and look through all the seminars. And once the e-conference is over, you'll still have access to the seminars to go back and check them out!

We may also be adding some content before going live on Thursday, and they'll for sure be some bonus stuff too! If it sounds like something you'd like, go ahead and click the sign up button below! It's 25 USD to register and you're automatically entered in the e-conference giveaways, including a flip camera and this dress from Ruche!

INDIE: The 2011 Independent Bloggers E-Conference!

I'm so thrilled to finally reveal this! I've been working on this idea for a while, so I'm really excited about letting you guys in on it. As I'm sure most of you know, New York Fashion Week is coming up next week running from 2/10 through 2/17, and while I had a blast attending fashion week in February and September of 2010, I most definitely cannot afford going this time. I learned so much at the conferences I attended, both the IFB and the Chictopia10 conferences. I got to thinking about how so many bloggers, especially younger or just-getting-started ones, either don't have the money to go, or aren't sure they want to make that kind of commitment to blogging yet, but would still love to be able to learn about the things talked about at blogger conferences. So I teamed up with Tieka, from Selective Potential, to see if she's be interested in putting on a sort of online blogger e-conference. She was equally excited about the concept and so we went to work putting together this week-long fashion week extravaganza of information especially for fashion and style bloggers! If you're not a fashion or personal style blogger, don't write it off, though! There's a ton of great information for any blogger looking to improve their blog.

The e-conference runs for the entire week of NYFW, with multiple seminars posted every day. Each day has a theme for the seminars, ranging from taking outfit photos with a tripod & self-timer, to HTML tricks, monetizing your blog, and so much more! You'll get videos, how-to tutorials, links to other resources, plus bonus content about organizing your wardrobe and other style blogging tips! For those of you bummed out that you won't be able to attend the blogger conferences in New York, cheer up! The beauty of the web is that we don't need a physical place to meet up (and it's significantly cheaper than gas or airfare!). Plus, as a bonus to signing up for the e-conference, you'll automatically be entered in giveaways to win great prizes during the week, including an iFlip camera!

The cost of the conference is $25 and you can register through paypal by clicking the "sign up!" button below. After we receive payment, you'll be sent your login info via email and once February 10th hits, logon and get ready for some serious awesomeness! Each day during NYFW, new seminars will be posted and they'll be available after that for you to view at any time!

Market Publique Lookbook!

While I was in New York a few weeks ago for fashion week, I had the most amazing opportunity to shoot with Market Publique for their new lookbook! I was so excited, and it was certainly one of the most fun parts of my time in New York. Playing dress up with the Market Publique "closet" was crazy! So much amazing vintage! I definitely scored myself some shoes (which you've probably seen before... I couldn't wait to wear them!).
I've been super lazy and/or busy lately, so outfits have been kind of unintentionally on the back burner. I'm excited to see these pictures- a little jump start to get inspired for fall and fall outfits! Though, the summer versions of these outfits are making me pine for a little bit more hot weather!

Goin' Rogue

I promise to post about the first few days of travel- I'm working on sifting through photos right now! For now, here's the last post from NYFW!
I've been putting off posting about the Renegade Blogger Meet Up simply because there were SO many pictures and people there! It's hard for me to even sum up the whole event! It was a really nice event, no sponsors, no one really dictating any sort of plan or itinerary, we all just showed up and started talking! It was quite fun. And it was nice that it was just a bunch of bloggers, from new bloggers to veterans- everyone was welcome! Yaneldys from Out of Season Face brought some awesome cupcakes, which were a welcome addition to my stomach as I hadn't yet eaten anything that day! I also met Morgan and Lua, Nicole of Coco Maria, and Hannah and Landon. I think I was most starstruck by Hannah, simply because I feel like she's this totally ethereal creature on her blog, and she's so beautiful in person. Such a lovely soul. I wish I had gotten to talk to her, but there were a lot of people chitting and chatting, so I never got the chance to talk with her before I had to leave. Of course Rebecca, Erin and Jessica were there- all of whom I'd met last fashion week and are such fun ladies.

It's really relaxing to be around bloggers in person, I think. Most of us seem to be pretty low key and approachable. It's nice to talk about blog stuff with people. I think most bloggers don't have anyone in real life to talk about all the stuff that goes into blogging- mostly because most people we know in our day-to-day lives don't read our blogs or even would know what the heck we were talking about when we talk about social networks or comments or subscribers. From an outside perspective it probably sounds like crazy talk! It was enjoyable though. I loved the informality of the event, just laying out in Central Park and taking in the only nature you really get in the big city. I had never been to Central Park, so I was glad I finally got a chance to take in that part of the city. I wish I'd been able to spend the whole day there, but unfortunately I had to jet and head off to an event.

skirt/free people :: top/urban outfitters :: shoes/minnetonka :: scarf/mom's :: hat/claire's

I wore this hat a lot during fashion week and people were asking me how it stayed on my head. I never realized that it kind of just perches on my head back there without falling off. People kept thinking it was pinned on, but nope! The sheer power of my massive hair keeps it so intimidated it doesn't dare to move! Really I have no clue how it stays on, I just throw it on and it stays. Though it was rather windy in NYC a couple times and I had to walk around with my hand on my hat to keep it from blowing away and being demolished beneath the tires of a taxi or something.

This whole outfit is actually a redo of one I posted earlier. My plan for New York outfits was to not have to think of new ones and just take my favorites from my proverbial "archives" so that I would be always wearing something I loved and felt completely comfortable in. I think this may have been one of my favorite outfits the whole week. It definitely is most "me." It was a little strange trying to figure out how warm it was going to be- which made it a bit difficult to dress for the temperature. It was hot as hell down in some of the subways (goodness L train, was your platform also the stop for Charon on the river Styx?), but it was really quite cool in the evenings. I vacillated between feeling like a gross, sticky mess, and being a bit chilled. One night in our hotel it was really hot so we cranked the AC but we all ended up being so freezing cold that we didn't get much sleep! Whoops. I think the theme of New York was "sleep deprivation."

^Can you spot the real unsung hero of my blog? My Canon Rebel! Making a little cameo...
photos of me by Tieka

like a diamond in the sky

On Sunday night we all went over to Juicy Couture for the Chictopia10 afterparty! Tieka and Kim won the Chictopia/Juicy Couture contest so they went down to Juicy right after the conference, but I went back to the hotel to spruce up and change outfits for my "night on the town" look. I won the Lulu E. Bebe contest on facebook for my look from fashion week in February so I thought it would be cool to use my gift certificate to get a look for this fashion week! When I walked in the store I saw this dress on the mannequin and knew that it would be perfect for fashion week. When else can you wear sequins except fashion week and new years eve? Okay, you can wear sequins other times, but those are the most common times, I feel like.

dress/ark & co. :: shoes/payless :: purse/rare treasure vintage

The party itself was pretty fun! There were some tasty drinks and colorful macaroons being distributed by quasi-goony looking male models wearing clunky pink Juicy Couture boots. I just had to laugh. I seriously hope they don't take themselves too seriously because it was a pretty funny sight, I must say. They were nice, though, and were always bringing around more drinks and macaroons. It was actually the first time I'd ever had a macaroon! I never really understood the hype about them and I couldn't tell what they tasted like from looking at pictures. They were delicious though!

I don't think I'd ever even been in a Juicy Couture before... we certainly don't have one up here in Anchorage (the most "high fashion" store up here is Coach!... and Nordstrom, if that counts). My entire experience with Juicy has been avoiding their velour track suits with "Juicy" written across the ass. No thank you. I know my ass is "juicy," and I don't feel like labeling it so. But Tieka and Kim got some really adorable outfits from them, so I suppose it's possible to wear Juicy Couture and not look ridiculous in pink velour track suit! Granted, their clothes are still way more expensive than I'll ever consider paying for. Still, it was lovely of them to sponsor the after party, which really was quite fun!

Kim drinking a pink lemonade (I believe), and me sipping on a Mango Honey Margarita. Tieka loved the margaritas but I told her it was probably just because they tasted like juice (I couldn't taste any tequila at all...) haha! I suspect they didn't dose the drinks with too much alcohol so we wouldn't get crazy in the store. Though maybe they should've liquored us up a bit more, maybe they would've made more sales! I decided to mix mine with the can of champagne for a DIY mango honey mimosa, haha! It was de-lic-ious! There were quite a few people there, but I spent most of my time talking with Mel, Tieka, Kim, Starr, and Annie. I met a few new people too and it was great to talk to Pamela of Market Publique some more. She's such a fun girl, I was glad I got to spend more time with her this time. I only briefly met her on my last day in NYC last fashion week, so I was really happy we actually got to hang out this time!

Kim, Tieka and I went back to the hotel later that night and we were just craaaving some good old fashioned burgers and fries. So we went to the concierge and asked where we might procure such a feast and it just happened that right next door was a great place to get a pretty inexpensive burger. Man, I inhaled that thing. It was quite possibly the best burger of my life. But it might've been the company, atmosphere and alcohol that was making it seem that way! Either way, it's in my top 5 list of most delicious late-night burger runs.

In total, Sunday ended up being on of my favorite days, I think. The conference really impressed me, the party was fun, and the late night burger night really was the cherry on top! Such a great day.

photos of me by Tieka, party photos from Juicy Couture (by Claire of Faboo Madness)