Away we go

Let the games begin! Early early early yesterday morning (try 12:30 am), I got on a plane in Anchorage, Alaska and began the epic journey to New York City. I flew from Anchorage to Seattle and got about an hour of sleep, then had a two hour layover in Seattle and boarded my plane to New York. Lucky for me, I swindled my way into scooting over from my middle seat to get the window, so I got a few more hours of sleep on that flight. Pretty much my travels consisted of really uncomfortable attempts at sleeping, and compulsively playing solitaire on my new iPhone.

Here's my tiny (in comparison to NYC) city floating away in the inky black night...
Bye, Anchorage!

Some of you may have seen my tweet about Don Draper, and this is what I meant. Ooh la la! Some lovely reading material for the flight!
After I arrived in New York, I headed to the train and started to make my way into Manhattan to my hotel. Unfortunately there was some trouble with the tracks at my stop, so I had to walk a few blocks dragging my suitcase, but it wasn't nearly as bad as last time when I dragged my bag 10 blocks to get to where I was staying. On my walk, I saw this little group of ladies all done up in a bit of Lolita fashion, so I decided to snap a picture. I love how many different styles you can see in New York. Pretty much anything you could possibly imagine is walking around on these streets!
I'm staying with Annie from Time Enough For Drums and Tieka from Selective Potential right now and, when I arrived, Annie was already at the hotel, so she met me and we hung out and chatted for a bit and then walked down the street and caught some delicious mexican food. I had some tortilla soup which was DE-lish!

Well, today is the IFB conference, which should be amazing! You guys should definitely check out the livestream of the event. It'll also be liveblogged and tweeted, so you can stay up to date with all the happenings! Grit and Glamour has a great post on how to be a part of the IFB conference from afar.