ModCloth Blogger of the Moment!

Hey guys! Exciting news! I'm ModCloth's new blogger of the moment! I was so thrilled when they contacted me, because I definitely spend more time than is healthy browsing the pages and pages of lovely items over there. And now they have my very own Delightfully Tacky Dress! I have a little interview over at the ModLife blog, so head on over and read it, if you fancy! Plus, you can shop all of my favorite picks from ModCloth (I know, right, who needs more of an excuse to spend money, haha!).

Wow! I never would've thought that when I started this little 'ol blog in 2008 that someday I would have a dress named after me! Well, there are a lot of things I never would've thought that have happened since I started blogging, and they are all so wonderful. Mostly: all of you incredible people that read my blog and "hang out" with me (in the most digital of senses, I suppose).

I have to say, reading how excited you guys are about my Brave and the whole trip has just been so encouraging. It's fun when other people are excited about something you are doing, it really makes it that much more fun to embark on the journey. So many of you have asked me to let you know when I'll be in your area, and I totally will! Since I'll be chronicling my journeys on here, you'll all know where I am and I totally expect you to let me know when I'm rolling into your neck of the woods. I sense some blogger meet-ups!

delightfully tacky dress/courtesy of ModCloth :: top/thrifted :: shoes/kensiegirl :: necklace/mousevox vintage

Learning about fashion, style, and blogging has been such a eye opening experience. I just read the article on The Uniform Project over at and I thought one of the most interesting things were the comments. 95% of them are just rude and mean spirited, which surprised me, because I thought the project was a really fun idea and supported a wonderful cause. The comments that she has no sense of style or that she's not worthy of a CNN interview because "accessorizing is not groundbreaking fashion" are just a bummer to read. I think people misunderstand a lot of what we as fashion bloggers (for the most part) are about. We're not about being the next Anna Wintour, or the next Coco Chanel, we don't claim to be fashion geniuses (whatever that is supposed to mean), but that's not the point- and fashion is so much more than the limited box that so many people seem to want to put it in. Fashion is everyday. Fashion is happening on every street corner. Fashion isn't about "being in" anymore. I think bloggers have really become the vanguards of this new mindset– fashion is about the individual. So what if I'm wearing a dress from 1977, I'm expressing who I am through the medium of fashion. It's liberating! It just is such a waste of time to criticize bloggers "sense of style" because we're all so different and we're just going to keep on keeping on, regardless of what the mainstream says!

Do you guys see the little green buds on the trees? Spring is finally in full swing and the trees are getting their tiny little leaves! I knew if I wore enough floral dresses nature would catch on. Now I'm going to have to figure out how to dress for green backgrounds! I suspect more color is in order.