bursting at the seams

No time for a post today. Sorry I haven't been able to post much the past few days. I'm pulling it together guys, I promise!
Yesterday was the worst. Probably the worst day I've had in a long time. I think I just came down hard after the weekend and the busy week and all the excitement of the Brave. I was on my way home from work last night and I just couldn't even face going home. It's hard being 23 and living at home. I love my family, but sometimes I just wish I could be alone to cry or do whatever the heck I wanted. Instead I passed my my exit to go home and kept driving down the highway until I pulled over on the side of the road and sat there crying for like 45 minutes.

I talked to my best friend, Dan, though and I felt a million times better. I don't know what he does, but he can just completely turn me around. It's funny to think that in the five years I've known him I only really spent about six months solid physically with him, and then it's just been long distance ever since. I'm horrible at long distance friendships, which is probably why I have so few real life friends.

I promise a real post tomorrow (or maybe even later today if I have time). Here's a bit of inspiration from Face Hunter to tide you over....