Hiding in the Light

I finally got my family's printer/scanner hooked up to my computer (I know, I've been living here for like six months and finally got my act together). I've been working on scanning some pictures of tinier versions of me. It's so fun to see myself as a tiny person. It makes me think about someday having babies. So many lovely bloggers are pregnant right now and it's crazy to think that I'm old enough to actually have a baby. Not that I could/would want to have a baby at present, but I mean, I'm 23, which is young, but not unheard of. At least two of my high school classmates already have two kids!

I've actually recently become really excited about being single. I'm typically a pretty content person, but the past year has been rough being single. Not that I want to be dating, necessarily, but it was rough coming off a serious relationship. It sounds silly, but this blog has gotten me through so much, and now I can't even imagine being in a relationship! I literally have no time for it! And right now in my life, I am so perfectly okay with that. I work 10 hours a day and then my evenings are spent taking photos and blogging and reading blogs and I don't think I'd have it any other way. I never thought I'd hear myself say it, but I am way too busy for a boyfriend! Haha!

dress (worn as top)/courtesy of modcloth :: skirt/thrifted :: shoes/thrifted

Honestly, though, in the past two years when times were at their worst, I always had blogging to hold on to. It was the one thing I could focus on and work towards. If I had a rough day, I always knew I could come home and slip into my chair, open my laptop and enter an inspiring and positive environment. I really want to thank all of my readers for always being so kind and encouraging. I read every comment everyday and I try to respond to every email in a timely fashion (though sometimes I lose track of some and it takes a while to reply, sorry!). You guys make my day on a daily basis! If you had told me back in 2008 what this blog would become, I'm not sure if I'd believe you. It's been the most amazing journey, and I can't wait to see where it goes from here. Hopefully it will take me around the nation, seeing this beautiful country and meeting even more of you lovely people!