Under the weather.

Well, on sunday I didn't have anywhere to be, so I headed down to Bryant Park and hung out in the tents. It's a surreal place to be for sure. I basically just wandered around, people watching and then tried to sneak into the DVF show by pretending I was a writer for NYLON who had forgot her tickets, but it didn't fly. They probs would've let me into a lower profile show, but it was Diane Von Furstenberg and security was way tight and they couldn't fudge the admittance.

I was going to try and get into the Custo Barcelona show later that night, but I was so wiped out that I just went back to my hotel and got some chinese food. It felt really good to just sit down and watch the Olympics after three days of hectic (though fun) activites.

skirt & top/thrifted :: blazer/little bro's :: boots/lulu e. bebe :: necklace/eryn brinie

I never got a shot of my outfit in New York so I recreated it yesterday when I got back in town. Back to the snow! (I feel like I'm rocking the Krystal style in these photos w/ the sunglasses. People thought we were sisters at the IFB conference, haha!).
I'm feeling rather under the weather now, which I think has something to do with my exhausting travels. I'm sure breathing nasty airplane air for 6 hours and then staying up all night in the SeaTac airport did wonders for my health. I was probably bathing in viruses all day. Gross.