Leavin' on a Jetplane..

Well, in 9 hours I'll be on a plane headed to NYC! I probably should be packing right now, but here I am, blogging. Deciding what to take to New York is so challenging! I'm only taking a carry on and my computer bag so... I guess I'll be power-packing and shoving as much in as possible.

Today was my second day at work. I guess I felt slightly less overwhelmed, but not by much. Luckily we have an hour long lunch break which gives me more than enough time to take outfit photos and eat a delicious lunch!

I feel like going to New York for fashion week is like being part of a big play. Everyone puts on their make up and costumes to look the part and they take part of this elaborate production. I feel like it will be so cool to be a part of the production even if I'm just a non-speaking cast member. I'll get to put on fancy clothes and make up, walk through amazing settings, see plots unfold.

I think I'm ready to go! I've got all my maps and documents all filed away and ready, I've got my mental subway map memorized, got my hurr did. I'm packed. I think I'm ready! Eep! Wish me safe travels, lovelies! I hope to see some of you there! Let me know if you'll be in NYC this weekend!

dress/F21 :: boots/target :: tights/lulu e. bebe