The Good Times Are Killin' Me

So guess what happened today. I got that job that I didn't get last week! I guess the other person they hired didn't work out! I go in tomorrow at 8 am for my first day. Gone are my lazy days of staying up till 2:30 and getting up at 11. Well, I don't know if staying up till 2:30 will go away, I'll just get less sleep. So here goes! It'll be a lot of learning the ropes, but hopefully I can make it work (as Tim Gunn would say). I feel like all of a sudden my life is crazy busy! Full time classes, full time work, going to NYFW, everything is happening all at once! I'm not complaining though, I'm so glad to finally have my life coming together.

coat/b.b. dakota :: shirt/vintage :: skirt/thrifted :: boots/target

I went to Forever 21 tonight to get some new clothes for my new job and possibly NYC and I ended up getting some really cute dresses! Hopefully you will see them soon. They're all very Betty Draper. Love it! Thank goodness for Christmas gift cards.

I have to pick an outfit for my first day at work! Everyone seems to wear just t-shirts and jeans, so I think I'll be an odd duck with my crazy style every day. They'll probably be like, "You know, you don't have to dress up," and I'll say, "But this is how I dress normally..." Haha! I'm brimming with excitement and anxiety about my new job. I hope I do well. I need to brush up on my Illustrator skills! I'm pretty fluent in Photoshop, but Illustrator is a little foreign to me. I'll be designing for screenprinting and embroidering on t-shirts and jackets and stuff, which is a little different than just designing logos and print media.

I should be in bed, but alas! I woke up at 11 so I'll be awake much too late to get a full night's sleep!

Don't forget to scroll down and enter the Kitten Paws Giveaway! More vintage goodies up for grabs!