On the homestead

Back in the frigid north! For some reason I feel like these photos make it look like I live in the middle of nowhere. Not so! Though if you all want to think that I dog sled to work, I'd be okay with it (speaking of which, I'll be in Alaska for Fur Rondy and the Iditarod this year!!! I haven't been here for that since 2005!)
Washington was lovely. I wish I didn't have to come back and work, I would've stayed longer. I didn't get to see any of my friends either. All work, no play. It was still fun though. Flying blows my mind. I know some people who hate air travel (not due to fear of flying or anything, just the uncomfortable nature of it), but I don't get that. I love it! Flying in the air at hundreds of miles per hour!? Amazing! It used to take months to get places and now we just read a few chapters in a book and we're at our destination! People even bring you drinks and snacks. Lovely. I adore air travel.

shirt/thrifted :: cardigan/target :: skirt/thrifted :: boots/target :: tights/wet seal

Most of this outfit is thrifted, and I must say that I sincerely miss buying all my clothes at thrift stores. Working at this boutique has been nice but I feel guilty buying clothes anywhere but there now. I don't like that feeling. I haven't gone thrifting in months and I miss it tons! I used to go multiple times a week but now it feels like I have zero time. I wouldn't even buy stuff, but just going was fun. Seeing all the weird junk and ugly clothes and occasionally finding that one little gem. Spokane had some amazing thrift stores. The only one I go to here is Value Village. We don't have many thrift stores up here. Luckily, VV is the bomb.

Oh, and I was Glamour's best dressed reader yesterday!!! Go check it out! I feel so cool...