The grass really is greener...

So I thought I wouldn't be able to blog here in Washington because I didn't bring my camera, but then I remembered the ghetto days of Delightfully Tacky and my occasional use of my webcam to do my outfit photos. Huzzah! Nothing too fancy down here, as we're doing yard work and fixing some stuff that is broken. I can't believe how warm it is!! I'm gallivanting around outdoors in just a cardigan!

shirt/diy :: cardigan/target :: scarf/mom's :: hat/g-ma made :: jeans/ross :: shoes/minnetonka

It's so lovely down here. Really relaxing. I was hoping to see one of my BFFs while I was down here but I don't think it's going to work out. Bummed. Oh well. I think I need to come down here and spend a whole week to see all my friends. Tomorrow afternoon I'll be back in the Great Land. You might be seeing a couple new items in my wardrobe too, because I picked up a couple items from the clothes I had to leave here in August. I took a whole roll on my Holga here as well, so I'll get those developed and if they are cool I'll share them with you guys!

You may notice a few new things in my sidebar! Be sure to check out my first sponsor, Clyde's Rebirth! You may remember Clyde's Rebirth from my last giveaway. She's got incredible and gorgeous jewelry, so click on over to the shop and check it out!
Also, Tieka suggested I put a donation button so that those of you who don't have anything to advertise on my blog, but still want to contribute to my Winnebago Dream, have an option to donate! Obviously I don't care if you do or do not donate, no need to feel pressured or anything. The last thing I want from this blog is to feel like a panhandler begging my readers to donate. So if you want, go ahead! If not, keep reading!
Your guys' response to the revelation of my dream has truly been incredibly supportive. It makes me want to do it that much more. I haven't been this excited about the future in months. I always love your comments (and I read every one), but your comments on my Winnebago journey really mean a lot to me. Thanks so much!!