First Friday

Finally a day off work, which means: non-espresso clothes! It's so sunny and nice today, and it's supposed to stay that way for a while, so hopefully our trip to the state fair tomorrow will be lovely. Of course, every one else will probably go also since it's labor day weekend. Maybe I'll take photos of all the yummy fair food and heinous fair people. Why do all the crazies come out to the state fair? The state fair horse show is on this weekend too, so it'll be nice to visit my alma mater barn.

skirt/F21 : tights/fred meyer : shoes/thrift : shirt/vintage

Little Bit kept trying to get me to throw her ball while I was taking pictures, and she was very annoyed that I picked her up instead of satisfying her playful desires. My t-shirt is probably as old as I am-- it's my mom's from the 80's. More tights! I like these ones too. Fred Meyer has pretty good tights, and inexpensive too!

Tonight I went out to the first friday art walk downtown. It was pretty disappointing, though I did not have high expectations for quality art works. I decided to put on my Betty Draper dress for optimum artsiness. Unfortunately all the art was pretty marginal. I only saw one or two pieces which were really nice. Oh well.

Well, my coworker has swine flu, so I'm going to have to work all next week. Better enjoy my weekend!