Blogger of the Moment! The first edition...

Blogger of the Moment award
Okay! Time to introduce my Blogger of the Moment!

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She's one of my daily reads. From her great pixie cut, to her always lovely outfits, she's always an inspiring girl. Wanna get to know her a bit? Here yah go!

1. Describe your dream house.
A 1930's beach front terrace house with beautiful gardens full of pastel coloured roses.

2. What inspires you?
Style wise- I'm inspired by the people who walk passed me in the street obivious to how awesome they look. Vintage photography, movies and music. Magazines,books and of course other blogs! In everyday life I'm inspired by selflessness, nature and genuine happy/positive people.

cute style sweater green dress
3. What is your perfect day?
My perfect day would be waking up to the sunshine peeping through my window followed breakfast on the verandah outside. Then fitting in a little bit of everything I love- spending a few hours at the beach, scouring markets and op shops, sitting down somewhere lovely enjoying good food and coffee. Any day that is filled with laughter and ends with a beautiful sunset would be more than perfection.

4. What is true beauty to you?
Confidence. There's nothing more beautiful than a person who is completely comfortable in their own skin. In an age of strident perfection there's something so beautiful about a person who accepts who they are and what they've been dealt with and just works it.

5. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Considering I've never left Australia. I could never know. I can't wait to travel to Paris though!

cute outfit style sweater dress
6. What does style mean to you?
Style is a form of self expression. It’s the total combination of the way you dress, talk and move your body. To put it Simply, it’s how we express our inner selves on the outside.

7. If you could plan your dream party, who would you invite?
Lily Allen, Kate Hudson, Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly, Marilyn Monroe, Johnny Depp, Bob Marley, Eddie Veder, Kate Moss, The Geldof sisters... My list is never ending, I find so many people desirable and would love to meet them all.

8. What kind of party would it be?
A never ending party... If possible it would take place in a giant cupcake marquee:)

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9. What kind of music would you play?
I would let all my talented celebrity friends perform all night.

10. What is your happiest memory?
Each and everyday new memories are built. I could never put my happiest down to one in particular. My happiest memories revolve around times spent with family and friends outdoors smiling and loving life.

11. What blogs do you go to regularly for inspiration?
It's constantly changing but right now I can't get enough of-The Clothes Horse, Frassy and Lily.

So from now on I will be having a new Blogger of the Moment whenever my mood strikes. Likely it will be biweekly or something of the sort...