blogger of the moment

pretty ladies

While in Austin I took a lot of outfit photos for other gals, and they helped me with a few of my own as well.  It's so much easier to do one another's outfit photos, especially since we all know each other and how we like our photos to look.  Plus, no one feels bad for asking for a detail shot, or a few of the shoes, or maybe a couple more just a little further away, or let's try a different background.  I always love being solely behind the camera, so it was fun to shoot other girls' outfit photos instead of just my own.  I grabbed shots of Julie, Moorea, Chelsea, and Tieka over the course of the weekend and here are a few of my favorites from the outfits photos I shot for them!




bottom photo taken by Tieka

Wild Orchid

Yesterday, Julie from Orchid Grey left a comment on my post that really really lifted my spirits and I was reminded how much I've enjoyed reading her blog over the past year and a half. I got to meet her at fashion week last year, and though we didn't get to talk very much, I still really enjoyed her. An unfortunate side affect of taking my Brave trip in the middle of winter was not being able to travel up north to visit her (and other northern blogging friends), due to snowy and cold conditions, but hopefully someday I'll be able to hang out with her again!

Recently I've just been in love with her style, her outfits seem to get better every day! I adore her use of color, and I always find myself wishing I could raid her closet. I thought I'd do a little feature of her (again, actually. She was one of my Bloggers of the Moment, back when I did that series). Plus, I love a girl with big hair. Every time I see her length I think about growing mine out to where it used to be in 2009.

all photos via Orchid Grey

Blogger of the Moment! The Tenth Edition...

I remember happening upon A Thought Is The Blossom last fall and I could tell it was going to become one of my favorite blogs. Starr takes such ethereal photos and I just wish I could jump through the computer screen to go join her on her amazing photo adventures. Not only does she have great photos, but she always has the most pleasant outfits. She wears vintage so naturally. She’s one of those people that just naturally exudes that vintage spirit. Lovely through and through. I hope we get to meet in real life some day. Perhaps I’ll get to see her in my Winnebago travels! Get to know Starr a little bit yourself...

Delightfully Tacky: What inspired you to start a blog?

Starr Crow: It all started with an unhealthy Myspace obsession with vintage clothing shops like Bittersweet Styles, Mousevox, Bleubird, Lullie, and Mama Stone. From their I discovered Sally Jane and Liebemarlene and immediately knew I had to get it on the mix. I was so enthralled by the creativity and inspiration that filled the pages of their blogs, and I was so encouraged to create my own fashion fairy tale.

DT: You seem to go on photo adventures all the time with your friends, where is your favorite place to take photos?

SC: I really can't name one place in particular, I just like areas that look like forests with lots of tall trees and scattered drops of light shooting down. The light has to be pretty dramatic, and the area has to be free of civilization. The only structures that can be in the background have to be abandoned! I'm a little OCD about not getting street signs or anything modern-looking in the photos too, but I like people to think I'm in the middle of nowhere. The locations aren't really as dreamy as they look though. They're usually surrounded by ugly buildings and new cars.

DT: What is it about vintage clothing that you love?

SC: The feeling of originality when I'm wearing it. I love that most vintage pieces are handmade and that no one else in the world has the same exact piece. I love the quality, the fabric, the prints, and the nostalgia that comes with wearing certain styles. I'm all about people and stories and characters, and I love getting to play into these faded lifestyles through clothing.

DT: Besides blogging, what are your hobbies? What do you love doing?

SC: Well, blogging does take up quite a bit of my time, but that's okay because it's kind of like a job and a hobby anyway! My favorite thing in the world is playing dress up. I love styling clothes and could stand in my closet for hours throwing outfits together and making sassy poses in front of the mirror. Then there's photography. I kind of happened upon this hobby after starting a blog, and I'm so happy I did because it's turned out to be one of the biggest loves of my life. I love going on photo adventures and creating little stories with my clothes and my camera. Other than that I love going to shows at this grungey little dive bar in town called White Water (think band guys with beards and plaid shirts and girls in all the latest trends), listening/dancing to vinyl with my boyfriend, and thrifting my little heart away.

DT: Do you go to school/have a job? If so what do you you study/do?

SC: Yes and yes. As far as a job, I survive mostly off of the sales from my Etsy shop, Action Is The Fruit. When I'm really desperate for money, I might pick up a shift at my old job waiting tables at a historic hotel in downtown Little Rock. It's nice to not have to work at the restaurant all the time, but it's also great to have that bit of financial security there if I need it. As for school, I'm finishing up my bachelor's degree at the University of Arkansas in Little Rock. If I hadn't changed my major 15 times I might have finished on time, but here I am still a couple years away from completion! Right now I'm studying journalism, public relations, and film, but ask me tomorrow and my answer might be different. Hopefully I'll stick with these three subjects and make it out of the MassComm department with a degree. My friend has asked me to help with a film she's writing for next years Little Rock Film Festival, so maybe I'll be able to work on a film soon (my dream)! There's also a possible opportunity (in the works) to write a weekly fashion article for a local newspaper, so hopefully the journalism degree will be able to help with that too! But, like I said, ask me what tomorrow and my answer will probably be tremendously different.

DT: What would you say your dream job would be?

SC: I would love to work on editorial type photoshoots either as the photographer or the stylist, and I would
also love to travel the world and experience different cultures. I'm really inspired by Sophia Coppola, Leith Clark, and Ellen Von Unwerth and would kill to have a job that allowed me to work with super feminine and romantic elements. I know that's a bit unrealistic which is why I try to create these type scenes on my own. I know my photoshoots are on a much smaller scale (and budget), but they allow me to live my dream job. Even if nothing else were to ever come along, I'd be perfectly happy doing what I'm doing now for the rest of my life! It really does make me happy.

DT: What is your favorite part about living in Arkansas?
SC: Well, I guess the thing I love most about is that Arkansas is the fact that it's home. It's where my family and my friends are, and therefore, it has a pretty tight hold on my heart. Other than that I love the people. People always talk about 'southern hospitality', but you can't really understand it until you leave the south. The people are really really nice here, and most of them are always willing to help a neighbor out. I love that I live in a rather small place (even though it is the capitol of our state), and I love that the creative field isn't a really saturated market. There's lots of great vintage, lots of rich history, and some really beautiful places to see. After all, we are 'the natural state'. Things I don't love: the fact that most every girl thinks she needs to be married by age 22 and have a baby by age 23. Also, I hate that we don't have an American Apparel, an H&M, a Zara, or an Urban Outfitters. We're left out of the fashion world! We just got a F21 a few years ago, and they're just now putting an Anthropologie in, but lord knows I can't afford those prices.

DT: Where do you find your daily inspiration?

SC: I find inspiration everywhere. It's the way the light hits my sheets in the early morning. It's the way my mind interprets the melody from my favorite song. It's the print that reminds me of a scene from my childhood. It's laughter. It's a familiar smell. It's a story. It really has no limitations! Then there's bloggers. Oh, bloggers! The reason for too much time spent on the internet. I like the world with bloggers though. Do you remember when magazines told us what to wear? I feel lucky to be a part of this generation. It's the beginning of a very cool future in fashion, and it's an absolute pleasure to be a part of.

DT: Has blogging helped you grow/change/learn about yourself? If so, how?

SC: OH YES, in ways you couldn't even imagine. Who was I a year ago? It's so rewarding to go back and read my first entry and to see how much I've grown since then. My photography has improved immensely, and I've developed a confidence that was no where to be found a few years ago. I used to be a very depressed person who was constantly bored and in need of entertainment, but now I can entertain myself for hours. I'm always happy, I'm more creative, and I'm full of ideas and projects. Blogging has introduced a new and wonderful life that I am so grateful for. I love who I am, and all the things I stand for (which I couldn't say before). I honestly feel like I'm living a fairy tale most of the time.

DT: If you could live/visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?

SC: I've never left the country, so you can only imagine how long my list of 'places to see' is, but I think if I had to choose one place it would be France. My art history class gave me a great appreciation for the history of that country, and ever since leaving that class I haven't been able to forget all those gorgeous Gothic churches. I've also always had a desire to visit Tonga in the Pacific Islands. After reading a long National Geographic article about the
culture of their country, I was determined to one day visit their land. My anthropology teacher studied amongst the Pollopese people in the Pacific Islands, and her stories only fueled my desire to one day visit such a simple and very-different-from-us place. It's quite fascinating to see people surviving without all the machines we use in our culture. The men fish and the women harvest tarot. Their material needs are limited, and they're relationships are deep. I think it would be a very enlightening experience.

DT: What do you see yourself doing in 5 years?

SC: That's always such a hard question to answer. If you would've asked me 5 years ago (when I was 19) what I'd be doing today, there's no way in hell I would've said this! My personality and desires are always changing, and my constant goal throughout the process is to remain happy. As long as I'm happy with what I'm doing I'll have no complaints. I like the direction my life is headed, and I'd be more than satisfied if this road keeps going. I'm no fool though, I know detours and speed bumps are bound to slow me down, but as long as I'm able maintain my life, my love, and my happiness, things will be okay.

See more of Starr at

Blogger of the Moment! The ninth edition...

I met Andrea through Tieka, and both girls have become my online BFFs. Well, I guess real BFFs facilitated by the internet, haha. I was so excited to be able to stay with these two while we were in NYC for Fashion Week in February, it was truly a blast. Andrea's style is so striking and sophisticated. Stylewise, she's like my adult older sister who has her career on fast track and thrives on the city, whereas I'm the little girl running through the woods getting her dresses torn on rogue branches. I love her unique perspective and style, and DUH! Her hair! We were hair twinsies- ying and yang, when we were in New York. We almost even cut bangs in her hair! Mark my words, next time we're together, I'm bringing my scissors...

Without further adeiu.... Andrea from Blonde Bedhead!

DT: You've started your style blog pretty recently, what was it that inspired you to start one up?

Andrea: That last couple years I’ve used and other sites to browse for inspiration and I’ve always wanted to share my personal style. Tieka of Selective Potential is who really inspired me to first take the plunge and sign up for these sites. She’s one of my best friends and she really helped guide me along the way. From getting involved with those sites, I wanted to take it further by starting my own blog citing the same reason as many people state-- a creative outlet. It’s no secret Michigan may not be the trendiest, most fashion forward state and it’s great to connect with like-minded individuals who share a similar interest and passion.

DT: What do you find is your inspiration for putting together outfits? Is there anything that you would say epitomizes your style?

A: I’m inspired by my parents partly and my background. All the clothing I owned growing up was out of utilityβ€”nothing fashionable, but very simple. I continue to wear simple silhouettes, muted colors and clothes out of pure comfort. I’m also inspired by my dad who is never without his leather vest, leather cuffs and motorcycle boots. Like my dad, I love wearing leather and cotton. I don’t wear very much color or pretty, whimsical thingsβ€”just isn’t me. I refer to Lookbook and Chictopia for help with styling outfits.

DT: What do you like doing outside of your interest in fashion?

Hobbies, etc?

A: Outside of fashion, I’m interested in photography, music, writing and getting involved in fun side projects and

organizations. I absolutely love photographing people. I shoot weddings, but I also love shooting candid portraitsβ€”particularly of close friends. I also enjoy being busy with different projects so I’m usually working on different community events or attending various networking groups in my town. I still love going to shows to see some of my favorite bands. Especially with camera in tow, I can practice my photography and document the night. I enjoy constantly challenging myself, meeting new people and getting involved in a variety of projects involving talent retention, art and music.

DT: What is your current job entail? What would you say is your dream job?

A: I am the Assistant Communications Officer at Capital Area Michigan Works!, a government workforce development agency. I do public relations and marketing which entails a lot of writing, photography, event planning and assisting in strategic planning. I’m an associate photographer for Jason Aten Photography, a boutique wedding photography studio. I’m also a freelance writer. I write stories, photograph and cover events for a couple different publications. My grad school courses feel like a job as well. I started my masters in journalism in Fall 2009 and have been taking classes as a part-time student.

My dream jobβ€”wow I don’t even know. I love working in public relations. I’m almost certain I have ADD so I like doing a variety of things and I get bored easily, so public relations is a great fit for me. I think a career in fashion public relations would be perfect the perfect career and I’d love to continue in wedding photography. Eventually, I’d love to be more entrepreneurial and start my own business. A long-term goal of mine is to earn my PhD. and teach any sort of visual communications/photography-type courses at the collegiate level.

DT: Do you like living in Michigan? What about it is good/bad?

A: I do enjoy living in Michigan. The cost of living is inexpensive and it’s nice having four seasonsβ€”although I prefer not to live in Michigan during the winter. I absolutely hate snow so half the time I’m cursing at the state and its climate. I love so many of the cities in the state including Grand Rapids, Lansing and Detroit. I’m not an outdoorsy girl even though I was raised that way and I prefer to live in any downtown core. I like living in Lansing because it’s the capital city and it’s a close-knit community. I feel very connected and I like that.

DT: If you could move to or visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?

A: I honestly haven’t done much traveling. I went to Niagara Falls once in fifth grade and that’s the extent of my international travel. I’d love to visit anywhere. I’m interested in visiting Tokyo and shopping and sightseeing in the Harajuku district. I love people watching and I think I would be just fascinated there. I’d also love to visit a couple European cities like London, Paris and Milan. I love learning about history and I think I would be captivated by the history and culture throughout Europe.

DT: What are your favorite blogs?

A: My favorite blog is Her style is quite similar to mine, except she’s a much bigger risk taker so I like to see what she does and draw inspiration from it. Her life seems so much more interesting than mine so I enjoy living vicariously through her travels and fashion shows. I also love Crowded Closet! The blog is ran by two friends in two different cities with different styles and the blog posts always involve interesting pictures, solid writing and lovely, inspiring styles.

DT: I had the pleasure of hanging out with you and Tieka during NYFW, what was your favorite part of being at NYFW?

A: I loved every moment of being in New York City and participating in NYFW festivities, but my absolute favorite was attending the fashion show with you. I was in awe the entire time. I felt like that’s where I belong. I was so inspired by the fashion, hair and make up of the actual show and then the

people surrounding the event. Just being in the vicinity was enough excitement for me. Walking up to Bryant Park and looking around, I was surrounded by inspiration. I also loved meeting so many great girls, especially during the Girls Night Out sponsored by Dove and organized by Jessica of What I Wore. I have so many guy friends and it was nice to be with ladies for once who shared similar interests.

DT: When did you become interested in style/fashion? Was there something that sparked your interest?

A: I’ve always been interested in style and fashion for as long as I can remember. When I was younger, I was more into painting, sculpture and drawing. While my skill and talent in those areas never evolved, I developed an interest in different areas of art such as fashion, music and writing.

I grew up in a small, rural town and so I didn’t really learn anything about fashion until I went to Michigan State University where cultural diversity, independence and artistic expression reign. I got a taste of various styles of fashion, art and culture. Once I graduated college, I started making the extra effort to not live in sweatshirts like I did through undergrad and finally becoming more confident in trying new things.

DT: Describe your dream house.

A: My dream house would actually be a loft or condominium in a more urban area. I’m not big on yards so I’d be able to make those sacrifices to have a modern home in the city. I love natural light so huge windows and an open floor plan would be most desired. Mainly, I would love to be just steps away from shops and restaurants. I love the atmosphere in cities and would like to immerse myself in a downtown area where I could enjoy those amenities.

DT: In 5 years, where do you see yourself?

A: In five years I see myself finished with my masters, in a leadership position with some sort of public relations agency or private company. It’s funny because whenever I think of these questions all I can think of is where I will be professionally. I don’t think I’ll be married and I definitely won’t have kids. That has never been a priority for me and I’ve been quite satisfied with focusing on advancing my career and making new friends.

DT: What would you say has been the best part of blogging so far?

A: The best part of blogging so far is having a way to connect with other people from all over the world. I would have never gone to NYC if it weren’t for blogging and I met some amazing people. I’ve also been able to connect with other people in my city who share similar interests. My community is so supportive of my blog and I’ve been connected with other initiatives, ideas and events because people are learning more about me and my passion for art.

Find Andrea at her blog Blonde Bedhead, as well as her Chictopia and Lookbook or follow her with Bloglovin'!