simply saturday

Taking a cue from one of my new guilty pleasures, simply breakfast, here is what I ate for dinner last night. This is actually my own adaptation of a few delicious things I saw there. I'm a sucker for avocado. I'm a big fan of simple meals. Mainly because I'm not a very accomplished cook by any means.

Sliced avocado :: Sour cream with dill weed :: Over medium egg :: Sparkling OJ

So, I'm leaving my job in about a month, and I'm thinking of making some bags. I thought it'd be cool to make a bunch of cute totes that you guys could buy as a sort of fundraiser for my trip. Anyway, I want to gauge interest in purchasing them so I can figure out how many to make. I don't know how much they'd be yet. I haven't gotten an estimate on how much printing them will cost. But let me know if you'd want to buy one! I thought it'd be fun to make something Winnebago-y that you guys could have... kinda like solidarity, yah know! Screw team Jacob or Edward, this is team Brave!

Totally unrelated: Last night I went and saw Step Up 3 and man did I love that movie. Sure it was a bit corny, like pretty much all dance movies are, but that's their charm! That's why you go to a dance movie. I had a smile on my face the whole time. Okay, maybe it was because I have a huge crush on tWitch Boss... no, it was a really fun movie. Definitely better than the first two. I highly recommend it.