Being Heidi Montag for Halloween.

Yesterday I put on my fur coat and knitted mittens and went for a jaunt. Or perhaps a mosey. I found this truck. It was nifty so I decided to become friends with it:

Dress: ebay, Gunne Sax (altered from full length)
Scarf: Ruche
Boots: Nords Rack, Minnetonka
Coat: Vintage (my ma's!)
Sun G's: Nords

Sometimes I wonder if people think I'm always hungover because I always wear sunglasses. I just hate leaving the house in the morning and squinting all the way to school. However there have been a couple times that I just wore them through my first class.. and It's not bright in there. I have always loved sunglasses. It's probably because they are one of the few accessories that fit me. My feet are always too small for shoes, my wrists too small for bracelets, my fingers too small for rings. Sunglasses are just fun and one size. And relatively cheap, as long as you don't buy like RayBans or Gucci. Most of mine come from Value Village, so...

So, I have been contemplating what to do with my January. I want to get abroad because I have a plane ticket I need to redeem through Delta which I was supposed to go to Egypt with last January. So I have been having many thoughts regarding destinations. Obviously I would like to go everywhere, but I really want to be able to kind of get into a place. I want to not just travel, I want to get to a place and do things. This is my current thought: I would like to fly to NYC first and look at some galleries for a day or two. Then I will fly to London and spend the month in London in a shitty flat making art. I just discovered that my school has an Independent study class for Jan Term and I figure, why can't I take that class and just correspond via email and phone the whole month? Obviously It'd be awesome to be able to visit Paris for a weekend/ other places nearby. I guess my assignment right now is to figure out what London is like so I don't go and be completely freaked out and alone.

I am going out tonight. I think I'm gonna rock the Winehouse look tonight. Hive, Eyeliner, and heels that is. I think I'll leave the crack at home.