
submit your project!

ince I started blogging six years ago the internet has become a much larger place, and there are so many more of you with fun, pretty, crafty blogs!  It's getting harder and harder to keep up with all the creative sites and blogs out there, but I've been loving getting a peek at more blogs through my Share Your Story link ups, and thought I'd expand that kind of thing by putting out a call for guest post submissions!  At this time I'm only accepting DIY Projects, Home Tours, Hair & Beauty Tutorials, and Food & Drink recipes.  If your post does not fall into one of those categories it will not be considered.  
I'm really excited to see what you guys submit.  I know there are so many amazing creators out there, I feel like I'm constantly discovering new blogs that blow my mind.  The collective creativity and quality that is out there in the blogosphere is so inspiring!

How to submit your post:

  Send 4-6 of your best photos of the project/tour/tutorial/recipe you'd like featured to me at  Please include your name, your blog or business link and a short description of your project, tutorial, recipe, or home!  If your post is a good fit I will e-mail you back within one week requesting more images and the full post instructions (if it's a project, recipe, or tutorial) or with interview questions about your space (if it's a home tour).

  Photos should match quality and look of photos currently on Delightfully Tacky (no vignetting, heavy filtering, text, etc).

  Projects should be unique and not previously posted on any other sites.
I can't wait to see what you guys share!