getting started on your essential oil journey

Interested in getting started on your own essential oil journey?  I hope so because that's probably why you clicked the link over here.  Or you're just curious about it.  Either way, yay!

The kit I started with and recommend everyone to start off with is Young Living's Premium Starter Kit. It is the kit of all kits. There are other options to choose from, and I will mention them below, but this $150 kit is by far the most bang for your buck!  It comes with 5ml bottles of Lavender, Peppermint, Lemon, Frankincense, Peace and Calming, Thieves, Purification, PanAway, and Valor. What I love about this kit is that it gives you the ability to try many of the oils in the smaller bottles.  I mean, a bottle of Frankincense at the discounted price is over $70. Along with those 9 oils, you get a 5ml bottle of Stress Away, 2 sample packs of the top five oils, (lemon, peppermint, lavender, peace and calming, and thieves), Plus you also get the diffuser added in there!  So awesome (The diffuser is one of my favorite ways to use the oils!).


The wholesale member price alone for the diffuser is $75 (retail it's almost $100!). Total no brainer. This is why I recommend the $150 kit. You can’t beat getting 10 oils, 2 samples of the top five oils AND the diffuser for that price. The other two kits they offer are $40 and $75 don't make quite as much sense to me. The $40 kit comes with the samples, but not the diffuser or the set of 9 oils pictured above (not super helpful for starting off using essential oils, right?). The $75 kit comes with the diffuser and samples and stress away, but no kit of 9 oils. My issue with the $75 kit is, so you have the diffuser, but only a 5ml bottle of stress away and some sample packs to diffuse, you will obviously have to be buying more oils to use that diffuser, so why not just get 9 super practical oils for $75 more. The only time I recommend the $40 kit is if someone is anxious to get started and budget just doesn’t allow the $150 kit.  But!  People who ordered the $40 kit usually end up getting the $150 kit that month or the following month. So again, if budget allows, the larger kit is just the best value, hands down.

If you want to get going with Young Living for your essential oils, here's how you do it!  First, you are not signing your life away if you become a member. If you would like to purchase Young Living Essential Oils, you can do so by ordering retail from a member (like me!), or you can become a member and get the oils at 24% off.  Once you buy your starter kit (I’ll explain those later), you are NEVER required to order a certain amount each month. You are NEVER required to tell others about Young Living. You should NEVER be bothered by people to work it as a business. You simply are now able to purchase at the discounted price. Think of it like a SAMS Club or COSTCO membership. You pay a small fee to become a member to get cheaper prices, the only thing different is SAMS or COSTCO will give you a card, YL gives you a kit of oils and a diffuser.

To be honest, when I heard that Young Living was set up like a Multi Level Marketing company I was less than enthused.  I'd had experience with one in the past and it forced me to spend WAY more money every month than I could ever make back by selling and it was so disheartening.  I wasn't a fan of the whole MLM thing, but once I realized Young Living doesn't force you to buy hundreds of dollars in product every month just to keep your membership, you don't have to sell anything, and I actually like the product, I was on board.  Ugh, so refreshing.  All that is required to keep your Wholesale Member status is to spend $50/year on product, which I happily did about a week after my premium kit came because I wanted to try more oils!

Now that you aren't freaked out anymore about becoming a member, this is how you sign up! There is a visual you can follow here and step-by-step directions below.

Step 1: go to

Step 2: make sure “Wholesale Member” is marked off instead of “Retail Customer.” Wholesale Member is the only way to get access to the kit and the 24% discount you get afterwards. It’s really important!

Step 3: make sure my member numbers are in the blanks (they should be entered in there for you if you entered with that link in step 1) 1627216.

Step 4: Fill out all the information. It will ask you for your ss# but this is only for legal purposes so that you have the ability to bring in a paycheck (YL is a referral based business). If you never sign anyone up, your ss # will never be used.  I never want to pressure people into the business end…EVER. I want you to use and love your oils as a member whether you work the business end or not.

Step 5: Make sure you write down your pin, user name and password when you choose it because you’ll need that in the future to log into your account.

Step 6: Select the “PREMIUM STARTER KIT”  (It should be the first option). This is the one with the everyday oils kit and the diffuser. It will be $150. The other kits do not include the oils starter pack.

Step 7: Scroll down through the “Essential Rewards Kits” and click “no thank you, I plan on enrolling in Essential Rewards later” (you are not obligated to sign up for Essential Rewards at this time, but it does have some great benefits, but to be honest, I always tell new members to get the kit, try the oils out, and then talk to me before your next purchase. Then we'll see if ER is right for you).

Step 8: Click “I Agree” and “Next”

Step 9: Confirm your enrollment information (you should see my name as your enroller and sponsor, or the person who referred you).

Step 10: Add any oils, capsules, or products that you would like in addition to your kit if there are any that you would like.

Step 11: Check out and you are DONE! WOOHOO!

Yay! You are a member!  I remember how excited I was to receive my starter kit.  Much ripping open of boxes occurred.  Your membership will stay active as long as you spend at least $50 in a calender year. You do not have to continue to “renew” your membership…that kit was a one time thing and you will remain a member as long as you spend that $50 a year. Which trust me…will never be a problem.
While you are waiting on your kit to arrive…why don’t you go over and start reading How To Use Essential Oils. This is a great way to start learning all about the essential oils so you can start using them the minute they arrive.

Essential Oil Disclaimer:
I do not claim to be a medical practitioner.  I do not diagnose, treat, or prescribe any medical treatment or advice.  You should always discuss treatment of medical conditions with your medical practitioner before using any alternative therapies, natural supplements, or vitamins.  The following safety precautions are guidelines only.  You should consult with any aromatherapist about essential oil usage and always inform your primary care physician what you are using as they may not be conducive with his/her prescribed therapy and medications.

Essential Oil Rules for Safety:
1. Keep Essential Oils in a secure place away from children and pets

2. Use a variety of essential oils and rotate those which you use often to avoid sensitization and irritation.  If you use a blend for 3 days, take a minimum of 3 days off and use an alternate blend for those 3 days.

3. The following essential oils should be avoided during pregnancy:  Single oils: Basil, Birch, Calamus, Cassia, Cinnamon Bark, Hyssop, Idaho Tansy, Jasmine, Lavandin, Mugwort, Rosemary, Sage, Tarragon, Thyme, Wintergreen. Synergistic use the following with caution: Single oils: Angelica, Cedarwood, Chamomile (german/blue), Cistus, Citronella, Clary Sage, Clove Bud, Cumin (black), Cypress, Davana, Fennel,  Bay Laurel, Marjoram, Mountain Savory, Myrrh, Nutmeg, Peppermint, Rose, Spearmint, Vetiver, Yarrow.

4. Read and follow instructions carefully.

5. Always take precautions with using Aromatherapy.

6. Unless otherwise stated, never use essential oils on your skin without diluting the essential oil with a carrier oil.  A skin test is recommended prior to use.  If you experience any soreness, redness, or irritation do not use the blend.

7. If an essential oil or essential oil blend gets into your eye, flush the eye immediately with a carrier oil or cold milk.  Seek medical attention if the stinging and/or irritation continues.

8. Do not use more than 2 drops of the following oils when used in a bath the first time: Aniseed, Black Pepper, Camphor (rectified), Citronella, Clove, Eucalyptus globulous, Ginger, Juniperberry, Peppermint, Sage, Spearmint, Thyme.

9. If allergic to certain foods, do not use essential oils or carrier oils that come from those foods.

10. The following oils should be avoided if you have epilepsy: Cajeput, Camphor, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Peppermint, Rosemary.

All information, content and product descriptions contained within this site are for reference purposes and are not intended to substitute advice given by a pharmacist, physician, or other licensed heath-care professional.  I do not advise you use the information contained within this website, or any other site for treating a health problem or disease or to make a self-diagnosis, without talking to your doctor.  Actual product packaging and materials may contain different information than shown on this website.  Contact your health care provider immediately if you suspect that you have a medical problem.  Information and statements regarding our products have not been evaluated by the FDA.