We're moving to...

As if launching a blog, and announcing I'm pregnant wasn't enough big news for one day, I've got one more.  We're moving to Alaska!

A few months ago when I was still on the road in the Brave the plan was to come back home and move into the Brave with Dan.  Well, turns out things didn't quite work out that way, and while I still have dreams and plans of some day being a full time RV family, for now Alaska is the best choice for us for a variety of reasons. 

My parents live in Anchorage and since Dan's family no longer lives in the Tacoma area, we don't have any family support down in Washington any more.  Coupled with some health care reasons, moving to Alaska made the most sense for us, at least for my pre-natal care, birth, and newborn months.  We don't know if this will be a permanent move, for all we know we'll be back in the Seattle area some time next year, or maybe somewhere completely different.  Our living situation beyond a year from today is pretty up in the air, but for now being close to my family and having that support is most important.  It's hard to move, especially with so many unknowns, but we're taking this leap and seeing where it takes us.  I have no clue where we'll be one year from today!

And on top of that all, we're actually moving today.  Yeah.  Our little Honda CRV and our 5x8 Uhaul trailer are all packed up and later today we are driving away from our cute little Tacoma house and heading up the AlCan.  Of course it'll take us 5 or 6 days to actually get to Alaska, but if you've been following on snapchat and instagram you've been getting some behind the scenes teasers about what's going on.  Packing up, cleaning the house for our renters who are moving in right after we leave, and loading the Uhaul!  We're hitting the road!

We will be living with my parents (#lifegoals).  They have a small apartment over their garage, so we'll have our own space, which is nice, so over the next few months I'll be working hard to make it our own, get it feeling like a home, and creating a little den for our little one!  I'll share some before photos of the space soon, I'm super excited to give it a fresh look!