Maternity Style // Weeks 13 + 14


Anchorage!  It was surprisingly warm in Anchorage, I was super happy I threw this dress in my bag when I was packing.  Of course I spaced bringing any warm weather shoes, but thankfully my mom's shoes fit me well enough so I snagged some of her sandals so I didn't have stank-boot (as Tom and Lorenzo call it).  

Dressing for pregnancy has been strange in these first months.  I feel like I'm carrying pretty small (though I have nothing to compare it against personally, just photos of how other people carry at certain weeks), and I didn't really even feel like I looked very pregnant until at least week 19/20.  Mostly I'm just wider in my abdomen in general, so I haven't gone out yet "rocking the bump" since there hasn't been a very defined bump.  If I stand a certain way and push it out, it'll show, but otherwise I just look like I just ate a giant Thanksgiving dinner.  Having dresses like this in my wardrobe is nice because it is pregnancy friendly but doesn't mean I have to go out showing off my little Thanksgiving food baby.  

Since we're moving, I've been going through my closet and purging a ton of stuff that I didn't wear in the first place, but I've also put lots of stuff into storage that I love but won't fit in for a while.  All my fitted waist dresses are tucked away and only stretchy and looser fitting things have stayed.  In a way it's nice to have a fresh style start anyway.  I've felt like most of my old clothes from my style blogging days don't really fit my current personal style, so I feel more free to invest in my personal style as it is now.  Of course, I'm not really buying many clothes right now anyway since I'm an ever inflating balloon at this point, but still I like having the clean slate.

Dress : c/o Mata Traders | Sandals : borrowed from my mom | photos by my mom

Taking outfit photos at my parents' house is so nostalgic.  So many of my early outfit posts from Delightfully Tacky's early days were taken in the woods next to their house and I'm pretty sure I used this spot a time or two.  It's weird because now there is a huge house right where I used to take a ton of outfit photos!  A lot of Anchorage stays the same year in, year out, but it's changing ever so slowly.  Being back in Anchorage after living in Washington for 5 years is definitely interesting.  You see it with the eyes of an outsider, but the heart of a local.  Granted, I've changed a lot too, since I rolled out of town in my '73 Brave back in 2010.  

Moving back to my hometown is a little strange, especially since most of my time was spent living there as a kid.  I spent one year there post-college but I was mostly just working 10 hour days, saving up money for my first cross-country Winnebago trip, so I didn't really live in the city.  I never inserted myself into the culture or made new friends.  I know quite a few people from high school still live in Anchorage, but I feel so distant from that part of my life, I'm not sure if it'd be super bizarre to re-befriend old acquaintances.  We shall see how this transition goes.  It feels super awkward, stressful, and bumpy right now, but I'm hoping that once we're settled things start to fall into place.  New beginnings!

Top + Cardigan + Leggings : c/o Modcloth | Shoes : c/o Seychelles
photos by my mom <3