Maternity Style // Week 34

Maternity Style Week 34

Today I voted!!  Here in Anchorage we had some early voting polling places open, so I took care of business before the madness next week, mostly because I'm traveling on election day and I'm not sure if I'd have enough time in the morning to get it done!  I'm actually glad I'll be traveling that day, it'll keep me distracted from the stress, though I suppose most of the stress is in the evening when polls are closing and votes are getting counted, so perhaps I won't avoid it after all.

This pregnancy, or rather the part where I have a baby at the end, is getting super real these days.  An acquaintance who had my same due date had her baby 7 weeks early and posted a photo of him on facebook and my mind was blown that that's basically what is living inside me currently.  A (nearly) full grown, human child.  WHAT.  My mind can't really wrap itself around it.  I posted my fun baby wish list yesterday but I've actually been taking steps toward purchasing practical things, getting my stash of cloth diapers ordered earlier this week.  I still need to figure out feeding accessories (I plan on breastfeeding, but would like to be able to pump and have a milk stash), and other practical things.  Not as fun as buying cute things, but probably a better use of my money.

I wore this dress super early on in my pregnancy when I was, like, not even showing at all.  I thought it'd still fit in my later weeks since it's super tent-y and loose and it still does!

Dress (similar): Free People | Leggings : Jessica Simpson Maternity via Motherhood Maternity
Hat : c/o Moorea Seal | Boots : c/o Cat Footwear | Necklaces : c/o Jewelmint + Tribe Jewelry