Maternity Style // Week 36

Maternity Style Week 35

Falling behind on this maternity outfit thing, or rather, the posting of said outfits.  But I figure as I approach the end of this pregnancy and am busy focusing on a.) finishing up all my client work so I don't have to worry about it when baby comes and b.) preparing for the actual having of a baby thing, I'm allowed to fall behind a bit.  

These photos were taken while I was in Tacoma earlier this month to shoot my final wedding of 2016.  My BFF (and doula!), Kristina, took these outfit photos for me during a coffee outing to one of my favorite Tacoma coffee shops, Bluebeard.  The lovely folks at Bluebeard gifted me a bag of coffee beans as a baby shower gift and it felt a little like things coming full circle.  Back when Dan and I got married we had Bluebeard coffee beans as our wedding favors, and now we have a little taste of Tacoma back home in Anchorage.

Kristina comes up to Anchorage this Thursday, actually, and will be my birth doula, so I'm hoping this kid holds off on the arrival until at least Thursday, ideally Saturday, when my other friend from Tacoma, Amy, comes up and will be my birth photographer!  It's weird to think that now I'm getting so close that it's a possibility that I could go into labor before the end of the week!  Ah!  I've been keeping busy making padsicles (for postpartum lady-bits relief), calming and nausea tinctures (for during labor), labor massage lotion, and DIY bum spray for the babe.  Hopefully I finish all my apothecary-ing before labor, but at least the bebe den is nearly complete!  If you follow on snapchat (@liz.morrow) or my instagram story, you've been getting some peeks at the room so far!  

Top : Thrifted | Jeans : Jessica Simpson via Motherhood Maternity
Boots : c/o Cat Footwear | Jacket : c/o Moorea Seal | Photos by Kristina